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Charlie's Pov

I ran into the hospital and to the front desk. "What room is Asa Swan in?" I said straight up front. "Room 164" I nodded. And walked to the room. I nocked on the door and walked in. I saw Asa laying on the hospital bed. While the doctor was checking on her paper work.

"Hi Asa" I said walking up to her

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"Hi Asa" I said walking up to her. "Who are you?" She asks. I was confused, "Charlie can I speak to you outside for a moment." I nodded and we walked out. "Doc what's wrong with her" I asked him. "Asa has amnesia, and a concussion from the impact, and for her amnesia you try to help her regain her memory." Said the doctor. "How?" I asked. "By showing her familiar things, telling her your name, stuff like that" he says. "We also want to keep her over night, her medication for her arm and concussion is Tylenol and ibuprofen." I nodded.

"Now I'll be back I just need to fill out the paper work for her medication." He says and then he walks away.

I walk back into the room, Asa was playing with her thumbs. " Hey Asa I know you don't remember me but I'm your Dad, and maybe these will help you remember." I said pulling the pictures out of my wallet.
I started showing her pictures, then I remembered I need to tell Renee about what happened. So I gave Asa the pictures to have her look at. When I called her it went straight to voice mail.

Hey Renee it's Charlie, Bella ran away, and Asa was in a car accident when she was looking for her, and now she has amnesia. So please call back when you can.

I then decided to call Billy Black and tell him what happened.

Charlie and Billy's Phone Call

B- Hello
C- Hey Billy it's Charlie, I just wanted to tell you that Asa was in a car accident, and she has amnesia so I was wondering if you and Jake could come tomorrow or tonight. Just so she knows who you are.
B- Of course Charlie will come down tomorrow.
C- Alright oh and have you heard anything from Bella.
B- No I haven't what's going on.
C- Well she ran away left a note on the table, and Asa was the first one to find it, and then she got in her car and went looking for her, and then she got in the accident.
B- Alright we will be down there in a bit.
C- Ok see you then.

End of Charlie and Billy's Phone Call

I then turned my attention back to Asa who was still looking at the pictures. She looked at me, and said she saw 3 people who looked familiar. I walked over and she oijted them out, it was a group photo. She pointed at Bella, Jacob, Billy. "That's Bella, Jacob, Billy" I say to her. She nods, and yawns. "Go to sleep I'll wake you up when Billy and Jacob get here" I say. She nods and lays back into her pillow and falls asleep.

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