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Asa's Pov

Today was the day of Christina's Funeral. It was a slightly raining day, with no clouds showing. Making the day as worse as my mood feels. I was currently driving down to the cemetery, I was currently thinking about my speech I made to represent Christina. Once I saw all the cars at the cemetery, I quickly tried to smile hoping that I could get through this without breaking down.

I then parked on to the side of the road, and got out of my car. I walked up the sidewalk and into the opening of the cemetery. I looked around and saw CeCe, Tristan, Kayla, Holland, and Jenna. The girls and Tristan basically. Well not really since Christina isn't here anymore.

I walked over to them. The look of sadness planted on their faces. CeCe looked up, and slightly smiled when she saw me. I smiled back with tears forming in my eyes. "Hey guys" I say my voice cracks a little from the crying. "Hi Ace" said Holland. "Hey" said Tristan, and Jenna. I looked at Kayla and saw that some of her mascara was smudged from all her tears.

I felt bad for her for all of them. They knew Christina longer than I have. Especially Kayla, her and Christina were best friends since kindergarten. I then felt the sudden feeling of remorse and guilt. I could've protected her, I could've told the girls that we should go somewhere else. But we didn't I didn't say anything I just went along with it. And look what happened.

The most nicest person I have ever met, is now laying in a coffin. And will be buried into the ground. She never deserved this. If only we didn't go out that night, if only we did something different. And maybe Christina would still be alive.

We all started walking slowly over to Christina's casket. Just then the Priest spoke. "Today we are gathered here to mourn the death of Christina Evergreen. She was the daughter of  Robert and Katherine Evergreen, and now a few words from one of her dear friends... Asa Swan." The Priest said while gesturing his arm towards me.

I then walked in front of the small crowd of people. I then took a breath and spoke. "Christina was a wonderful friend to me, CeCe, Tristan, Holland, Jenna, and especially Kayla. Even though I havent known her long, she still became a part of my life. She made us feel happy when we were sad. If we asked her for help she would always say yes. She was the nicest kindest person I have ever met. And I still can't believe she's gone. But she's not totally gone, we have a certain part of her in our hearts." A tear fell from the corner of my eye.

I then looked at Christina's casket, just then a yellow butterfly landed on it. I smiled slightly, I then looked at the others and saw they all noticed. They all were looking at the butterfly, their mouths slightly opened, but then they turned into smiles. I then walked back to the others. We all then had a group hug. I looked back over at Christina's casket and saw that they were about to bury her. When just then the yellow butterfly flew past us, and flew till straight till we can no longer see it.

Just then Tristan spoke up "come on lets go." He then starts walking out of the cemetery, with us following behind him. We all then got into our cars and drove home.

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