The Wailing Woman

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Asa's Pov

   Its been a week since Christina's funeral. And what makes it depressing is that I can here her laugh eveytime the others say something funny. Kayla's doing a little better than she was before. I remember a few days after the funeral someone had mentioned Christina's name and Kayla bursted into tears. CeCe, Tristan and Jenna have been putting on a brave face especially for Kayla, but deep down I know that their upset.

And then there's Holland, she doesn't seem fazed by Christina's death. Also she keeps staring at me, for instance I caught her staring at me across from across the room in class at school. I wonder whats up, or what her problem is.

I still don't know what caused that scream, it just shot out of me like a bullet in a pistol. I'm going to ask Carlisle and see if he has seen anything like this before in his years. The only thing is, is that I might have to lie to Paul about where I'm going. Just then my phone went off saying I had one new message and the message was from... Paul.

Paul & Asa Texting

P- Hey baby so I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Sam and Emily's today for dinner tonight?

A- Ya I'll be there!

P- Ok good, I have to go babe i have to run mornimg patrols with Embry.

A- Kk Ill see you around 5....

P- Can't wait sexy 😉

A- Smartass...

End of texting

Ok so its 9:00 am, so I have around 8 hours until I have to be at Sam and Emily's, so that should give me enough time to talk with Carlisle. Just then I heard Bella yell that she was going to the store. There's my chance, I quickly raced down the stairs and out the door.

"Bella wait!" I shouted at her, she then rolled down her truck window and asked "what do you need Asa?" I then got into the truck "I need you to take me to the Cullen's House, and don't even deny that you're not going there cause I know you are" I said to her. She looks at me for a few seconds and then starts her truck and we start making our way towards the Cullen's.

Once we got to the Cullen's I got out of the truck only to be greeted by Esme at the door. "Hello Asa, how are you?" She asks with a gentle smile. "I'm doing better, is Carlisle here?" I ask, she then nods. "Yes he is in his office" she says leading me inside and taking me to Carlisle's office.

Once we got to his office I knocked on the door and just in a few seconds Carlisle opens the door. "Hello Asa, please come in" he says gesturing me into his office. Once I walked in, he turned to Esme and kissed her before closing the door. I smiled at them, "I hope I'm not bothering you" I said to him. "Oh of course not, now what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Well I was wondering if I could talk to you about what happened the night my friend Christina was murdered." I said. He looked a little stunned at first but quickly came out of it "of course" he says. "Ok well the night of Christina's death, I was the one that had discovered her body. And when I discovered her body, I screamed, but not a regular scream, a nonhuman scream like a ear shattering scream... one you could here miles away" I explained.

Carlise looked at me shocked, he then got up  and walked to his shelves of books. He picked one out and came back to my side. He opened it up to a chapter and the chapter was called "The Wailing Woman". "How is it possible?" Carlisle whispered to himself. "What?!" I asked him then I saw there was a drawing of a young woman who looked very familiar.

"Holland?" I whispered my eyes growing wide

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"Holland?" I whispered my eyes growing wide.

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