Note Is Revealed

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Bella's Pov

"Who was it? Was it someone we knew?" Asks ed Carlisle. "Just a stranger, I didn't recognize his scent." Said Edward. "A nomad passing through?" Replied Esme. "A passer-by wouldn't have left Asa and Bella's father alive" replied Rosalie. Just then Jasper and Emmett walked into the room. "His scent disappeared 5 miles south of their house" said Jasper.

"Someone's orchestrating this" Explained Carlisle. "Victoria?" I questioned. Alice looked at me. "I would've see her deciding" she says. "It has to be the Volturi" said Edward. "I don't think it's the Volturi either" Alice explained. She continued "I've been watching Aro's decision, too." "So we keep looking" replied Emmett. "We also take shifts guarding Asa and Bella at their house" Carlisle said. "Another protection detail" replied Rosalie, I could tell she was upset about that. "Rosalie" Carlisle said looking at her. "I'll only guard when Asa's there" she said.

"No she's right... you can't protect me, watch my dad.... and search for the intruder" I said looking into Edward's eyes. "And for Victoria" replied Rosalie. "And keep yourselves fed" I continued. "I'm not leaving you here defenseless" Edward said. "Well I'm not going to let you starve." I said looking at him. "And I wouldn't be unprotected.... I have." I said then paused. Wondering if he will be angry. "What?" said Edward.

Next day

Jacob and I just walked out of my house, after showing him the scent. When we walked out I saw Edward. We walked over to him. "Whoever it was, he left his stink behind." Said Jacob while glaring daggers into Edward's head. "It'll be had to miss when we cross it again" he continued. "Well handle it from here." "We don't need you to handle anything... or anyone." Said Edward.

"I could care less of what you need." Said Jacob. "Alright were done here" said Edward while grabbing my arm. "No your done here" Jacob says while grabbing my other hand. "Stop" I said to both of them. "Let go... I'm tired of this, for now on I'm Switzerland." I said to both of them.

"Hey Bella" I heard Asa's voice. "Yeah" I said looking at her. She was in her cheerleading uniforme. "I'm gonna be heading to practice" she says while putting her bag in her car. "When will oyu be back?" I ask her. "Probably around 4 maybe why?" She questioned. "Because I wanted to make sure you would be home for dinner" I said. Tjat actually wasnt why, I didnt want her by herself while all of this was on. "Ok I'll see yeah later" she says to us, "okay bye" I said. She then takes off.

Couple Hours Later

I was looking out the window while talking to Angela, we'll she was talking to me. Then a nock came through the door. Just them Asa came in. "Bella can I talk to you for a moment" she said, I noticed she was holding a piece of paper. I nodded, and looked at Angela who was looking between Asa and I. "I'll be right back" I said to her. She nods, I then walk out of the room following Asa into her room. ""What the hell is this" she said holding up a crumpled piece of paper up to my face.

I grabbed it and read it.

"Bella I'm Coming For You, Edward Can't Protect You Forever."

"It's nothing" I said crumbling it and trying to shove it in my pocket. But she was to quick, and grabbed it out of my hand. "Nothing Bella, do you think I'm stupid, someone wrote Bella I'm Coming For You, Edward Can't Protect You Forever -V, I'm pretty sure it's not nothing, hell it sounds like a threat note." She says getting angry. "You better tell me, what the hell is going on, RIGHT NOW " she says, I could see in her eyes that she was pissed. "If someone is trying to hurt you, you can talk to me,I will help you, your my sister and I don't want you to get hurt." She says tears in her eyes. Well I knew I couldn't keep it from her forever, especially since she is in tears right now. "You might want to sit down for this" I say to her. Well here goes nothing.

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