Before or After His Funeral

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Sorry for the people who had read it the first time. I wrote more than you saw it just didn't publish with it. I had just noticed it. This is the second time of this happening.

(Next day)

Asa's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It was finally Friday. I got up out of bed, and walked over to my mirror. I had tear stains, and my eyes were red from the crying last night. I then grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to get ready for school. Once I took a shower I then got dressed.

After I did, I ran down the stairs

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After I did, I ran down the stairs. I wanted to get to school early so I could see the girls, and Tristan. I grabbed an apple, and yelled by to Bella and my dad. I then got in my car. I was about to start it, when just them my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, and saw it was...Paul. I sent him to voice mail, and started driving.

Once I got to the school I had already saw Tristan cause it wasn't hard to find him, with his bleach blond hair. I pulled into the closest parking lot to the school, that wasn't reserved for the teachers. I then grabbed my stuff, and got out, and made my way towards them. CeCe noticed me first and waved me over. Then the others saw me and smiled. "Hey guys" I say. "What happened?!?" Tristan says suddenly. "What" I said confused. "I can read you face emotion and something happened. So talk, come on tell Tristan what's wrong." He says to me. I laughed, but then frowned. I then started telling them what happened.

"Oh my god that son of a bi-" Kayla was starting to say but was cut of by Christina. "Kayla watch your language" she says. "Ok mom" Kayla says back to her while rolling her eyes. "Oh babe" says CeCe while giving me a hug. I hugged her back. "What are we gonna do?" Asks Christina.

"Before or after his funeral" Kayla says, while looking at all of us. "When's the funeral?" Asks Jenna. "I'm thinking maybe a week after school ends. Which is in like 2 weeks." Kayla says. "Oh we can make it look like an accident." Holland says while clapping her hands together. "Yes" Kayla says while smiling evilly. "There's not going to be a funeral" Christina points out. "Let's take a vote" Tristan says. "GUYS" I shout at them. They all look at me.

"There's not going to be a funeral, just because he may have broke my heart again doesn't mean we kill him."I say. "Oh but I think it qualifies" Kayla says. Everyone nodded except Christina, who just sighed. I opened my mouth about to say something else but my phone rang. I got it out of my pocket, and looked at the caller ID. It was Paul again.

"Who is it?" Asks Holland. "It's Paul" I say while looking at them. "Oh gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme gimme, I need to give a piece of my mind."Kayla says while trying to teach for my phone. "You don't need to give him a piece of your mind" Christina says. "Fine... I want to!" She shouts and tries to reach for my phone again. But I then looked at my phone and sent him to voice mail. "Why did you do that" Kayla says frowning.

I then heard the school bell ring which ment we had to get ready for class. "Guys come on before were late for class." I say while making my way into the school. With them following behind me. "Asa just so ya know I'm still kicking his ass" Kayla says. I shook my head and laughed, and started heading towards my first class.

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