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Asa's Pov

"Okay so your telling me that the Cullens are Vampires, and that you found that out when about a couple weeks after you got here. And then you went and played Baseball with them, and you met 3 nomad Vampires. They then found out you were human, and the male blonde vampire James, tried to kill you in Arizona in the Ballet Studio. Then Edward came to your rescue, but then James bit your wrist. Then 4 of the other Cullens showed up, and took care of James, while Edward was sucking the venom out of your wrist. Next thing you know it you wake up in a hospital, then you go to prom with him.

Then it's your birthday, and you went to your birthday party at the Cullens. But then you got a paper cut, so then Jasper attacked you. Then Edward decided he and his family move, and he told you in the woods. Then you got lost in the woods, then Sam Uley found you. Then you got all depressed. Then I show up. Then Jacob ignores you so you go to his house. Next thing you know it you punch Paul in the face and he turns into a werewolf. Jacob and Paul then started fighting in wolf form. Then Alice comes back, and tells you she thought you were dead because she can see the future, and YOU JUMPED OFF A CLIFF!!! So then you talk with Jacob and the phone rings he answers it. It turned out to be Edward, so Jacob decides to tell Edward that your dead. So Alice tells you that Edward is going to kill himself. So you both go to Italy and save him. But then you get stopped by a coven of royalty vampires. So then after all of that James's mate Victoria the one who made me crash my car is after you for revenge." I say out of breath.

"Yeah" she replied. "Wow.... what has this world come too." I said to myself

"Ok well I'm going to go back to Angela" Bella says while getting up from the bed. I nodded, I still can't what I just been told. I looked at the clock, and saw it was 10:32. I got changed into my pajamas.

I then walked over to my window curtain

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I then walked over to my window curtain. I was about to shut it when I noticed something moving in the woods. I looked very closely and saw 2 giant wolves looking at our house, almost like guarding it. "BELLA!!" I shouted to her. I heard her footsteps come running the hall. She then opened my door. " What?" She asked looking around, probably scared that it had something to do with Victoria. "Why are there 2 wolves guarding our house?" "That's Paul and Jarred. There guarding" she says. I nod, she then left the room. I looked back out the window and saw the grayish blackish wolf stare at me. I was about to shut my curtain, but my heart told me not to. So I just left it open, and I then walked over to my bed and got under the covers. And fell asleep.

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