Telling The Pack

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Jacob's Pov

"I think so, I think his name is Billy, and his name is Jake." Asa said while pointing at my dad and I. We both nodded, I then walked over to her, and gave her a side hug. I then smelt the scent of the Redhead Bloodsucking. Her scent was on Asa. She must have been the one to cause the accident. Because Charlie said that it must have been a deer or something because she didn't hit a car.

Then there was a nock at the door. A girl with brown hair, and a boy with blonde hair walked in. After a few moments Asa's eyes widened. "I know who you are, your CeCe, and your Tristan." She said. They nodded, and walked over to her and gave her a hug.

Then the doctor walked in "Hello Asa" he said, "Hi" she replied, while waving her hand. "You can go home now" said the smiling doctor. "This is her medication" he said while he handed it over to Charlie. Charlie replied with a Thank You.

"Well were gonna get going" My dad said. "Alright well see you later" said Charlie. When then left the hospital. While I was driving I looked at my dad and back at the road. "I smelt the Redhead Bloodsucker on Asa when I hugged her." I say. "She must of been the cause of the accident then." Replied my Dad. "We're gonna have to tell the pack tonight" says my Dad. I nodded, then we pulled into our driveway. I then helped my dad out of the truck. Once I got him in the house, I ran into the woods and phased.

I howled, and then I heard the rest of the pack howel. I then heard there thoughts, then we all ran into a circle.

"Jake what's going on"

"Jake what's wrong"

That was what I kept hearing over and over. Until Sam spoke up with his Alpha Voice.

"Jacob go ahead" said Sam

"Asa was in a car accident last night-" I was then cut off by Paul.

"What is she alright?"

"Yes she's okay, she got in a car accident when Bella ran away to go save her bloodsucker. So apparently when Asa got home, she saw the note. So she got in her car, and started driving around. But at the hospital Charlie told us that there was no other car for her to crash into, so it must of been a deer or something, and that she has a concussion and amnesia. But then Asa woke up, and remembered us, so I walked over to her and hugged her.

"YOU HUGGED MY IMPRINT!!!!" Shouts Paul in his mind.

"Paul shut up would ya, ok when I hugged her. I smelt the Redhead Bloodsucker's scent on her. So I think she was what caused Asa to crash." I said


"We're gonna have more patrols, and starting now one of you are always gonna be guarding the Swan House. The Vampire is after Bella, and it hurt Asa, we can't let this happen again." He said in his Alpha Voice.

Everyone agreed, and went there separate ways. Paul went over to the Swan's House to guard.

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