Someone's Been In Here

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(Pretend Bella and Asa had already went and saw their Mom)

Bella's Pov

I was in the passenger seat of Edward's car, while Asa was in the back. Edward spoke up. "Would you two stay in the car if I told you too?" He then gets out, I looked at Asa, she shrugged and we both got out of the car. "Of course not" he sighs. We then walked towards the school, when I saw Jacob. I haven't seen him in awhile I had tried to talk to him but he never answered.

We all walked over to him. "Well I'll see ya later" Asa replied and walked away. "Why haven't you talked to me" I asked Jacob. "I had nothing to say" he says walking towards his bike. "Well it have tons, hold on" I said. "Bella" Edward says. "You need to trust me" I say to him. "I do trust you.... it's him I don't trust." But I just walked over to his bike and got on. Jacob grinned. "Loose the grin Jacob, we're just going for a ride." He grins even more. "Hold on tight " he says and starts driving.

We then drove to Emily's house. Just then, the guys came out of the house. "Good thing your here Bells, maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue." Said a smiling Embry. "I wish Bella would call" Replied Paul while shaking Jacob's shoulder and laughing. "I wish Bella wouldn't call" said Jared while he was eating. "Maybe I should call Bella" said Embry. "Maybe I should call Nella and hang up" said Quil. Then they all started laughing, and I laughed a little bit. "Ok guy you can shut up now" says Jacob while blushing a little. Then a girl, with short black hair came out of the house. "Bella this is Leah Clearwater... Harry's daughter." "Hey I'm really sorry about your father" I said to her. "If your hear to torture Jacob more, feel free to leave" she said and ran into the woods. "Fun isn't she" said Jacob.

"Bella I heard a voice coming out of the house. I looked up and saw Emily and Sam. "I was wondering when we would see your face around here again." She said giving me a hug. "Sam we good" asked Jacob. "We're good she won't be getting through our line anytime soon" he says putting his arm around Emily. All of the guys started cheering.

Then Jacob and I went to his house. "So Sam dumps Leah for Emily" I say to him. "It's not that, Sam hates himself for hurting Leah but Emily was the one" He says. Then we started walking towards his garage.

Intruder's Pov

I was in Isabella Swan's room. I was looking around the room, and then I picked up a red shirt that was hers. I then went to the Little Swan's bedroom. I walked over to where her jacket was. I opened the zipper, and saw the note was still in there. I smelled Bella's scent on it. I then put it back in the pocket. I then walked down the stairs. I saw their father sleeping on the couch. I leaned down so I was in front of his face.

I then smelt Isabella's scent, so I quickly got out of the house and started walking. I then got into the car and drove off.

Bella's Pov

I walked into the house, and hung up my coat. "You know Edward could respect me at all times" he says. "I was just with Jake" I say. "Oh.. good" he says looking surprised. Then there was a nock at the door. I looked at my dad. "I'll just give you some privacy then." He said and walked back into the living room. I opened the door and saw Edward. "Hey I tried to call, but you wouldn't answer-" he starts the he pauses. "I know I smell like dog" I said. "No it's not that" he then ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. "Edward what's wrong?" I ask him. "Someone's been in here" he says. he then walks out and into Asa's room. "Same person was in Asa's room" he says.

He then went downstairs with me following behind him. "Dad I'm heading out" I say. We both head out the door, and started driving to the Cullen's house.

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