What In The Hell Was That?

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Asa's Pov

"Asa you know this woman?" Carlisle asked shocked. I nodded "yes she's one of my friends, now can you explain to me what's going on?" I said anxiously. "Asa your gonna want to sit down for when I tell you this" Carlisle explained leading me to a chair in front of his desk. One we both sat down, he looked at me for a couple of seconds and then spoke "Asa you are a banshee." I looked at him confused "what in the hell is a banshee?"

Carlisle took a breath and then continued "a banshee is a wailing woman who appears to or is heard by members of a family as a sign that one of them is about to die. Also they can hear voices in their heads. Often this leads them, subconsciously, to murder scenes. They sometimes write or draw messages from the voices subconsciously." Carlisle explained. I look at him shocked.

I then quickly got up and ran out of his office to the bathroom. I slammed open the door and ran to the toilet and started throwing up. Just then everyone came up to the bathroom door, "Asa are you okay, was it something you ate?" Asked a concerned Bella. "I'm a banshee, I'm a banshee" I whispered over and over. "Come on sweetie lets get you some tea" Esme's comforting voice spoke. I then felt a cold hand help lift me up from the bathroom floor.


I was currently in the Cullen's kitchen drinking my tea the Esme had made for me. "How are you doing...you know with all of this?" I heard a voice ask me. I turn around and was surprised by who it was....Rosalie. "I don't know, its still hard to wrap my head around it" I say, she nodds and gives me a small smile and walks up to me. She then leans over and gives me a comforting hug, but then she stiffens and pulls away.

"Sorry, you smell like wet dog" she apologized. "Its fine" I said with a small smile. "Its probably from Paul.....wait what time is it. I quickly turned to the clock and it read 5:00. Wow I didn't even know I was here that long. "Oh I have to go, I have to be at Sam and Emily's for dinner" I said to Rosalie. She nodded "do you need a ride, I mean I can't go past the treaty line, but I drive you to the treaty line?" She asked. I smiled at her "ya that would be great." We then started making our way to her car, once we both were in she started it and we made our way to the treaty line.

Once we got to the treaty line, I gave Rosalie a hug. She then stiffened once again, I pulled back and she sent me gentel smile. "Sorry, I forgot about the wet dog smell" I said laughing a little. "It's okay" she smiled. Just then she turned her head forward and her smiled faulted. I the  turned to the direction she was looking in and saw Jared, Embry, and Paul.

I quickly turned to Rosalie "I'll see you later okay" I said. She turned to me and nodded. I then got out of the car, and watched Rosalie drive away. I then walked past the treaty line only to come face to face with Paul.

"Why in the hell do you smell like those leaches, and why were you with one of them!?" He said angrily. "Ok first off those "leaches" happen to be my friends, and I smell like them because I was with them today" I said getting pissed. I then pushed past him and started making my way towards Sam and Emily's.

"WERE NOT DONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!" Paul shouted. "YES WE ARE" I said walking faster. "Paul why do-SHUT THE HELL UP EMBRY" Embry started, but was interrupted by Paul. I turned around "DON'T YOU YELL AT HIM HE DID NOTHING!" I shouted at him. "OH AND YOU DIDN'T!?" Paul yelled back. "Guys come on- STAY OUT OF IT" Jared tried to talk but was yet interrupted by Paul. "CAN'T YOU JUST LET IT GO, YES I WAS WITH THE CULLENS IS THERE CRIME IN THAT!!" I yelled at Paul. "IT IS IF I'M TRYING TO PROTECT MY IMPRINT BUT SHES TO BUSY BEING A DUMB BITCH JUST LIKE HER SISTER!!!"

(And at the moment he KNEW he f*cked up!)


"What the hell is going on here" a voice spoke, I turned and saw Sam with Embry by his side. I assumed he went and got Sam. "STAY OUT OF IT SAM!" Paul yelled. I then started walking away again, "YOUR NOT WALKING AWAY FROM THIS ONE!" Paul yelled and grabbed my arm and pulled my back. And at that moment I did the only thing I could think of doing.... SCREAM.

(Her scream obviously)

My scream nearly threw Paul against a tree. Everyone covered there ears, I then came down from my scream when just then Quil came out from the trees with Jacob, Brady and Collin. "What in the hell was that?" He said holding his head clearing in pain from when he heard my scream.

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