Forever Young

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Asa's Pov

"What in the hell was that" Quil said holding his head. I then heard a groan, I turned my head and saw it was Paul. I just stared at him, Jared then ran over to him and helped him up. Once he was up on his feet we stared into eachothers eyes. I blinked away my tears, then Sam spoke "Jacob, take Asa back to her house." "Sam- Shut It Paul" Paul tried to speak but was interrupted by Paul.

I then felt a warm hand wrap around my shoulder, I looked and saw it was Jacob. We both then made our way through the forest and just in a couple of mintues we were at his place. He lead me to his truck, and we got in, and started making our way towards my house. I then leaned my head against the window and watched everything go by us. I then felt my phone buzz meaning that someone was calling. I opened up the lock screen and there it was the face I fell in love with...Paul.

I decided to just let it go to voice mail. That continued the whole way home, Paul calling and messaging me. And not once did I answer him.


I was currently laying on my bed, listening to the song Forever Young by Audra Mae. My phone buzzed once again and I didn't bother looking at it cause I knew it was Paul.

Paul's Pov

"Hey Asa I know this is like the 15th voicemail I sent you but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. And I just ge-" then a beep was heard signaling the voicemail message was over. I then fell on top of my bed and cupped my head in my hands.

I then got up and decided I was gonna go apologize to Asa. I grabbed some pants and a      t-shirt and tied them to my leg and phased into my wolf form. I then ran the whole way to the Swan's house. Once I got there I changed back into human form and got dressed. I then saw that Asa's bedroom light was still on.

I then climbed the tree next to her bedroom window. When I was right in front of her window, I saw her laying on her bed, with her eyes closed listening to the song Forever Young by Audra Mae. I gently knocked on the window, she then opened her eyes and looked towards the window. She saw me her mouth agape she slowly made her way towards the window. Sje opened it up and I hopped through the window into her bedroom.

"May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you"

"Hey" I said, "Hi" she said back. "I just wanted to say that I'm- Sorry I know" I started but she interrupted. "Look I'm just trying to protect you" I said. "Paul I don't need protecting- Yes you do" I interrupted her.

"May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young"

"Paul, don't you get it. We don't work, were like water and fire completely opposites." She said with tears in her eyes. "What the hell are you saying?" I said hopping she wasn't thinking what I was thinking.

"May you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young"

"I'm saying we need to break up" and that moment those words broke me heart. "No, I already lost you before I'm not losing you again." I said getting defensive.

"May you stay forever young
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung"

"Paul, stop were done" she said with tears rolling down her cheeks. I then walked up to her and kissed her passionately, but she didn't kiss back. I pulled away and she looked down. I tried to blink away my tears, and I did something I never thought I would ever do.

"May you stay forever young"

I walked away...

"May you stay forever young" *song ending*

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