Chapter 1: Hi, I'm Seokjin

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Yoongi and Hoseok were outside Namjoon's house, waiting to pick him up for school. But like always, he took forever. "Yah, Hurry up I can't be late again!" Yoongi yelled from the car.

Namjoon grabbed his school bag and keys before walking out of the house and towards the car, "I know, I know," he yelled back.

The drive to school didn't contain anything special other than a lot of complaining about their up coming exams.

They got to school barely making it on time for the first bell. "Alright, well I'll see you guys later, yeah?" Namjoon asked receiving nods from both boys as they all split up. He headed towards his first class, science.

"Ahh Namjoon, finally on time for once," his teacher stated. He rolled his eyes looking over at the table he sat at when noticing a strange boy sitting in the seat next to his. "Umm, who's that and why are they sitting there?" Namjoon asked looking over at the teacher.

"Calm down, that's Jin, he's a new student so be nice to him." The teacher warned, "Plus, there aren't anymore empty seats, so it looks like you're stuck with a partner," he teased.

He just groaned loudly walking towards the stranger and sat down in his chair.

The boy looked over at Namjoon and smiled hugely, "Hi, I'm Seokjin, but most people just call me Jin."

Namjoon turned to look at the extremely cheery boy to see the biggest smile on his face. Namjoon scoffed and started the assignment being passed out.

"Alright," Jin said starting to work on the paper before him.


Lunch came around and Jin was completely flustered. He was overwhelmed by the loudness but figured he should get used to it. Jin spotted an empty table and quickly took his tray to go and sit down.

As he was about to take a bite of his burger, he was joined by two guys sitting across from him.

"Hi, you're the new kid, right?" One of them asked. "I, um-"

"Oh sorry, I'm Jimin and this is Taehyung," Jimin said gesturing towards the boy next to him. He smiled and waved.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin but most people call me Jin," he said, happy that he finally found some nice people.

"Oh well hello Jin, can I see your schedule?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh, sure," Jin looked through his bag to find the paper handing it over to Taehyung.

"Hey! We have math together!" He cheered.

"Jimin and I have the same schedule so we all have that class together," Taehyung smiled widely.

"I feel so much better now. I was starting to think I wouldn't make any friends here," Jin laughed, reassured. After all the classes he's been through so far, Jin has yet to talk to one person from this school. And that cold glare from the boy in his first period wasn't helping with his confidence.

"Nah, with a face like that you're bound to make a lot of friends," Jimin said, earning a shove from Taehyung. "What?" Jimin rubbed his arm.

What Jin thought was a hit of jealousy, it led him to ask, "Are you two a..." Jin started, looking between the both of them.

Jimin and Taehyung caught on at what Jin was implying and looked at each other causing them burst out laughing. Jimin held at his stomach while the other hit the table.

Jin was confused.

Taehyung looked over at Jin and said, "No, we're not," still laughing. "Ohh, sorry it just looked like-"

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