Chapter 15: Drunk on Apple Juice

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3 days. 3 days Namjoon hasn't shown up to school.

"Why are you worrying about him? I hope that jerk is in a ditch somewhere"

Taehyung shoved Jimin "Ow! I'm just speaking my mind" Jimin tried to defend himself.

Jin was still gloomy. He hadn't seen Namjoon in what felt like forever. Even though he should be mad at Namjoon for what he said, all Jin wants is to know is if he's safe. He had been shuffling his food around the whole lunch period.

Why hasn't he shown up? I figured he'd just ignore me but not miss school for this long.

"It kills me to see him like this" Taehyung whispered leaning towards Jimin. "Me too, that asshöle doesn't deserve the attention Jin gives him."

"I can hear you, and he's not an asshöle. He just doesn't feel the same as i do" Jin defended.

"That doesn't give him the right to yell at you or blame you for everything" Jimin tried to explain but Jin was stubborn. He won't let Namjoon get away that easily. Jimin remembers when Jin broke down on their way home from school the other day and explained everything.

"I'm going to go, maybe to the library or something i don't know" Jin said softly grabbing his tray.

"Jin don't go. Jimin just doesn't know when to shut up" Taehyung pleaded sparing Jimin a small glare. Jin shook his head "No it's not him, I just want to be somewhere quiet"

Taehyung lightly nodded as Jin went to dump out his trash and left the cafeteria.


Jin entered the quiet room stacked with books all along the walls. He grabbed something that looked interesting and sat down in a small sofa chair.

"Um Jin, right?" Jin looked up to see a familiar boy Namjoon would usually talk to.

"Yes" Jin answered. "Cool, hi I'm Hoseok. I'm a friend of Namjoon" he introduced himself.

"Hi Hoseok" Jin greeted quietly. Hoseok seemed to be thinking about what to say as he was looking around and playing with his fingers.

"Can I talk to you about Namjoon?" Hoseok asked nervously.

Jin thought for a second. He wasn't sure if talking about the boy who broke his heart with said boy's best friend was a good idea. But there was a possibility that he could find out if Namjoon was alright and where he's been so he nodded putting the book away.

"I don't know what happened that day when he went to your house exactly but he's been a complete wreck since then." Jin couldn't help but feel even more guilty.

"I've tried talking to him but he doesn't budge. He just ignores me and drinks his heart away" Hoseok sighed out.

Jin's eyes widened "He's drinking? As in alcoholic drinking?"

Hoseok let out a small chuckle "Well yeah. He's not getting drunk on apple juice."

Jin mentally face palmed. "Well where's he been? Why hasn't he shown up to school?"

"Well he's been spending a lot of time with his weird neighbor. I don't know what that could mean, but i need you to help me bring Namjoon back" Hoseok stated.

"W-What do you mean?" Jin asked confused at what Hoseok was trying to get at.

"Jin, he's been the happiest I've ever seen him after meeting you."

Jin shook his head "No, I doubt he's ever going to want to see me again. He made it pretty clear about his feelings."

Hoseok huffed "I don't think Namjoon ever meant to hurt you, I think he's just confused and it's scaring him. He's been stuck thinking the same thing his whole life and to have it change suddenly would be pretty overwhelming."

Jin nodded slowly understanding.

"So would you like to come with me to his house? I mean I totally get it if you don't want to" Hoseok offered.

"Yes" Jin answered automatically.

Wait a minute, what if he hates me even more for showing up?

I should've thought this through.

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