Chapter 19: It Went Well

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"Hey guys"

Namjoon and Hoseok both looked up to see Yoongi.

"Um Yoongi, how've you been?" Namjoon said cautiously.

He looked down. His eyes looked baggy and exhausted this wasn't like his usual self. "I- I've been thinking a lot and I just want to apologize. I've been such a stubborn asshole and neither of you guys deserved that" Yoongi explained gesturing to the two boys that sat before him.

"I just... I never liked anything, different, y'know? I have a hard time opening up to anything new, I guess? Damn this is hard to explain" Yoongi gave a nervous chuckle looking at his feet.

"Hey Yoongi, it's alright. I get what you're saying" Hoseok spoke up "It takes a lot to say all of that."

Yoongi's face brightened up at the words Hoseok said. "I'm so sorry guys, I really am."

Namjoon got up walking over to Yoongi giving him a hug. He let go of the embrace "I think there's someone else who you should apologize to though" Namjoon said as his eyes looked behind Yoongi.

He followed the boy's gaze which was on Jin. "Yeah, I know..."

Namjoon watched as Yoongi made his way to the table Jin currently sat at.

Yoongi came up from behind the boy and cleared his throat to catch his attention. Jin turned around to see Yoongi. His face paled.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to you real quick?"

Jin shook his head and stood up to follow Yoongi. Once they found a place quiet enough Yoongi started "I know you probably hate me so much, but I want to apologize."

Jin was surprised.

"I know I'm an ass and I'm not asking for your friendship I just feel so guilty for treating you like shit. You didn't do anything and I just- I'm sorry" Yoongi finally let out.

"It's alright Yoongi, I really appreciate you apologizing. Not everyone would do that" Jin smiled.

"A huge weight was just lifted off my shoulders" Yoongi sighed out in relief.

Jin laughed.


"Looks like it went well" Hoseok said seeing that Jin was laughing. Namjoon nodded in agreement.

He had the biggest smile on his face. Not only is he dating such a wonderful person but he made up with his best friend.

"It can't get any better than this."

The End.


And this my friends is the end of the story.

I actually feel sad right now. i'm gonna post an epilogue so that's happening. This was my first story and i know it's crappy but like i said, it's my first story. and yea this is a bad ending too but i dunno how to do these things properly.

I'm planning on writing a vkook story. I had posted it a while back but i had a hard time keeping up with this one and that one while i was really busy outside of wattpad.

I ALSO REALLY WANT TO WRITE A HANJOO FIC BUT I DONT KNOW A GOOD PLOT. if you don't know hanjoo it's the ship between Hansol and B-Joo of Topp Dogg, then learn, love, and stan. Topp Dogg deserves more attention. AND THATS THE END OF THIS. ITS PRACTICALLY LONGER THAT THE CHAPTER ITSELF BYEEEE

- Ellie :)

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