Chapter 17: I Liked It

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just before we kick off this chapter i'd like to say this story hAS 2K READS! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!

now proceed


"H-Hi Namjoon" Jin shakily replied.

The boys' trance was interrupted when they heard the door slam. "I'm locking you two in here for your own good. I'll let you out when everything is solved." Hoseok yelled through the door. And with that they heard footsteps running towards the living room.

"Idiot" Namjoon said "He doesn't realize this door locks from the inside."

Jin gave him a small smile as he awkwardly stood by the door, fiddling with his fingers. Namjoon noticed his awkward state "Um you can sit, if you'd like" Namjoon gestured to the bed he stood by.

Jin nodded and cautiously sat down. His eyes examined the younger's room noticing the clothes scattered everywhere and the numerous amount of empty beer cans laying in a pile.

"Sorry for the- um mess" Namjoon scratched the back of his neck.

"It's fine" Jin quietly responded.

After an uneasy silence Namjoon spoke up. "Okay I should start off with an apology. I was always such an asshole to you and that night I really went too far. I'm so sorry for saying those things to you. I was just scared and it was weird- wait not weird, i mean, it was... different. Y'know what i'm saying?" Namjoon looked to Jin.

He lightly nodded. "I know, and I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place, it was a stupid thing to do-"

"No no no!" Namjoon cut him off "It wasn't stupid. The reason it scared me was because... i liked it."

Jin looked up at Namjoon in surprise. "I know I know, after what I said it sounds like complete bull shït but the thing is, I-" Namjoon paused.

"I like you Jin" the younger's eyes were watering up at the words that came out of his mouth. "You make me so happy and I can't describe how much you mean to me and I know i screwed up big time." Namjoon wiped a tear from his eye.

Jin couldn't believe what Namjoon was saying. Here he thought that he absolutely hated his guts when it's the complete opposite. "I'm so sorry for everything." Namjoon face was in his hands.

Jin, without thinking, quickly got up and embraced Namjoon. The younger became stiff but relaxed into Jin's arms and returned the hug. "It's alright Namjoon."

He wept on Jin's shoulder. "This is just so scary. I've never felt this way towards a guy before and to suddenly be in love with-" Namjoon covered his mouth and released Jin from the hug. "I'm sorry I ju-"

Namjoon's sentence was cut off when he felt lips against his. He kissed Jin back and felt so much happiness.

No one pushed away, no one interrupted. It was absolutely perfect.

They both pulled away to catch their breaths. "Kim Seokjin?"

"Yes?" Jin asked curious.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Namjoon asked staring into Jin's eyes.

His smile grew larger than it already was and he quickly responded "Yes! Of course!"

Jin tightly hugged Namjoon "And by the way, I love you too" Jin whispered into his ear.

The two teenagers felt the happiest they've ever felt. Everything was as it should be.


This isn't the end btw. bUT YAY! THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER.

i feel like this is so crappy but oh well.

-Ellie :)

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