Chapter 11: Stop It!

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Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

Jin picked up his phone reading the contact name.


He smiled as he swiped the screen answering the call. "Hi Namjoon"

"Hey Jin, can you uh meet me at that park. Y'know the one by school?" Namjoon asked, stumbling over his words.

Jin thought back to remember the park Namjoon was talking about. "Sure. What time?"

"Uh right now"

"Okay I'll see you in a couple minutes"

"Cool, bye."

The call ended and Jin was slightly confused. The invitation came out of nowhere, but he wasn't complaining. He got to see Namjoon.


Call ended

Namjoon stared at his phone.


He thumped his head with his palm at his action. If someone were to walk past him, they'd think he's crazy.

"Why'd you do that!?" Namjoon whisper-shouted to himself "What happened to no feelings like that!?"

Namjoon kicked at the grass but immediately stopped when a woman walking passed him paused to look at him. He turned to her and she continued on her walk.

Namjoon straightened himself out and walked toward the park he told Jin to meet him at.

He didn't know why he called Jin. It was almost like an instinct, even though he could've called Hoseok instead. He doesn't know why he does half the things he's been doing lately.

Several minutes passed and Namjoon was nearing the park.

As he was walking, he saw Jin from afar. He got closer and called out Jin's name.

Jin turned around and to say he was beautiful would be an understatement.

The way the wind was blowing in his hair, how the sun was setting behind him and the cherry blossom leaves the blew passed him, Namjoon found himself gawking at the sight.

But like a switch he snapped out of it.

Jin smiled "Hi Namjoon."

"Stop it!"

Jin stopped smiling "What?"

Stupid! Look your freaking him out.

Namjoon shook his head "Nothing. Sorry" He started to blush.

"Aww Namjoonie are you blushing?" Jin commented walking toward him.

Namjoon's eyes widened "What!? No!" He mentally face palmed. Why does he always do this?

Jin giggled "So why did you want to meet with me all of a sudden?"

"Oh um, I just wanted to talk. That's all." Namjoon responded not knowing why himself.

Jin nodded "Are you alright?"

"Yeah of course. Just a little stressed that's all" Namjoon replied. "Do you want to talk about that?" Jin asked.

Namjoon thought for a moment "Not really. How are things going for you?"

Jin wasn't sure if he should worry but he answered anyways "I'm doing fine. My little sister's birthday party was a couple days ago. I got her those light up sneakers and she loved them so much. She wears them everywhere."

Namjoon laughed. He already forgot what he was so frustrated over.


I. am. dead.

bts. killed. me.

be prepared for a crazy amount of screenshots in my rant book as well as text screaming.

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