Chapter 3: 'Dad of the Year'

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Jin woke up with the sun gleaming through the window, birds chirping, and the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen.

It sounds like a perfect line from a story, but that's what his life was, a perfect story...

at least at home it was.

Jin got up and got ready for school with plenty of time to spare so he took his time eating the breakfast his mom made for him.

"Okay Jin, have a good day at school, alright. Please make sure your sister doesn't miss her bus. I'm heading off to work. I love you." She quickly said, kissing her son's forehead. "I love you, Nari!" She yelled out to her daughter upstairs.

"I love you!" She yelled back. "I love you too," Jin told her as she left for work.

He finished the pancakes and eggs and put his plate in the sink. Jin saw the primary school bus pull in, in front of their house. "Nari, the bus!" Jin called. She ran downstairs grabbing her pop tart on the way out the door. "Bye!" She waved running to the bus. "Bye!" he shouted.

After a couple minutes Jin grabbed his bag and started walking to school.

Jin liked walking to school, except for the rainy days and he didn't drive because he never attempted to get his license. But it gives him a chance to look around at each house he passed and enjoy the day. That and because busses were gross.

He got to school in no time, so he sat patiently in his seat waiting for more students to come in.

The bell rung and his desk mate was still not there. He figured the boy was absent today, that is until he heard the door open. He saw Namjoon come in handing the teacher an office note.

He sat down next to Jin, grunting when he remembered that he shares the table with someone now.

"Namjoon take the sunglasses off please." he heard the teacher say. It took a while but Namjoon finally took them off, looking down.

Jin looked over at him and his eyes immediately widened when seeing that Namjoon had a black eye.

"What happened!? Are you alright!?" Jin whisper-yelled. It caused Namjoon to jump back a little when seeing the stranger so concerned.

"Ye-Yeah I'm fine." He told Jin, not wanting to talk about it.

"Are you sure? Who did that? have you gone to the doct-"

"I said I'm fine, dammit!" Namjoon cut him off. Jin automatically stopped talking seeing as a couple of people looked back at them.

"Sorry," Jin apologized quietly.

Namjoon felt a little bad for lashing out on the boy. "No it's alright, just stop asking so many questions. It gets annoying." He told him honestly.


The boys hadn't talked the rest of the period but Namjoon internally laughed when seeing that Jin was so concerned about someone he didn't even know.

Once the bell rang, everyone fled the classroom as the teacher tried to get in as much information as he could. "Please get in that homework! You have a project coming up an I don't want anyone falling behind!"

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