Chapter 6: Quit Your Shit

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The week was going by with ease. Jin wasn't seen as the new guy anymore due to the large amount of people he befriended. And surprisingly, even Namjoon.

Namjoon doesn't give him a cold shoulder when around Jin like when they first met. You could consider them, friends?

Science was about to come to an end. "Namjoon, we should meet up to work on the project again." Jin spoke up.

"Sure" He replied, not bothering to look up, too busy going through his phone. "Do you mind if we go to your house? My eomma is having some older women come over and I'd rather not have my cheeks pinched every second."

Namjoon froze. He didn't want Jin to know about his life at home. He was too embarrassed to let the older see what he lives with.

"Do we really have to go to my house? What about the library?" Namjoon asked, desperate for any other place. "No, I checked already. It's closed for inventory."

Namjoon sighed. He tried to remember if his parents were home when he left for school. They weren't, thank God. "Alright, Yoongi can give us a ride to my place."

"Great!" Jin chirped.


To say the drive to Namjoon's house was awkward would be an understatement. Hoseok, who would usually initiate a conversation, was sick so he wasn't there to ease the awkward tension.

"Um so Yoongi, is this your car?" Jin asked trying to break the silence. "Yeah." Yoongi said blankly.

"Cool, cool." Jin shuffled uncomfortably in his seat when noticing the glares Yoongi gave him. Jin coughed.

"Great we're here!" Namjoon shouted when spotting his house, "Thanks Yoongi" he said exiting the car. "Thank you Yoongi" Jin politely said following Namjoon. Yoongi scoffed "Alright, bye."

Jin watched as Yoongi's car drove off when he told Namjoon "I don't think he likes me very much." Namjoon laughed at his hyung "He's like that with everyone don't worry."

Jin nodded following Namjoon towards his house. He was stopped when hearing someone call over to Namjoon.

Why is this boy always outside? Doesn't he have a phone or something?

"Hey Namjoon, whose this?" the boy across the fence asked smiling over at Jin. "Hey Kook, this is Jin" Namjoon lamely introduced.

"Hello Jin, I'm Namjoon's neighbor, Jungkook." he greeted reaching his hand out over the small white fence. "Nice to meet you Jungkook." Jin shook his hand.

"Are you two friends?" he asked curious. "We're working on a school project thing" Namjoon answered for him. "Oh, well would you two like to come over later? I'm making pasta!" Jungkook invited.

Jin's eyes lit up. "Ooo that sounds goo-"

"Thanks but we'll just work on the project." Namjoon interrupted grabbing Jin's hand pulling him to the door.

Jin lightly blushed looking at his hand. "Bye Jungkook nice to meet you!" Jin yelled as the door closed.

Once inside Jin looked around the house but turned his attention to his hand still being held by the younger. He cleared his throat and Namjoon immediately let go of his hand.

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