Chapter 4: We're Going to Drink?

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After a couple hours passed, Yoongi's house was full of, not only students but people from down the street and in the neighborhood. You could hear the music blaring for blocks.

Yoongi traveled from different parts of the somewhat large house, making sure everyone was having a good time. He smirked when seeing his best friend flirting with a girl. "Adda' boy, Namjoon."

All of a sudden, there was loud cheering coming from the dining room. Yoongi walked over to see what was going on but he just cracked up when seeing that Hoseok on the table dancing to the music.

"Go Hoseok!"


Jimin and Taehyung agreed to come over to Jin's house so that they can leave to the party together. "Wow Jin, you have a lot of nice clothes," Taehyung commented as he looked through his closet. "You lil fashionista," Jimin called Jin.

"So how do I look?" Jin asked, walking out of the bathroom that was connected to his room. Both boys looked over at Jin to give their opinion, "You look good," both said in unison.

"Really?" He asked, turning over to the mirror to straighten out his blue sweater that was accompanied with ripped jeans.

"Yep," Taehyung smiled, "So are you guys ready to go?" Jin grabbed his phone before replying with a yeah. They all left the house before Jin's mom had gotten home. He told her that he would be out with his friends. She trusted him enough to not get in trouble so there wasn't a problem with going.

They all got in Taehyung's car because he's the only one with a car and license.

The drive there was surprisingly short, since the host lived not too far from Jin. "I'm kind of nervous," Jin admitted. "Don't be," Jimin said from the back seat, "But which one of us is going to be the designated driver if things get crazy?"

"Wait, we're going to drink?" Jin asked, looking over at Jimin. "Well, yeah that's kind of what happens at these parties, trust me I've seen enough movies to know," Jimin answered.

"I'll do it," Jin offered. He wasn't exactly fond of the idea of getting drunk at a party. "No, no. You enjoy the party, I'll drive us back. The drive isn't even that far anyways." Taehyung said, preventing Jin from his escape on drinking.

It's alright, I just won't drink that much. Eomma drinks wine all the time and doesn't end up unconscious.

"Okay! Time to party." Jimin said as he exited the car.

After a couple seconds of entering the house, the boys were offered with all sorts of drinks. Jimin grabbed two cups and gave one to Jin. He looked down inside the red party cup.

Just gulp it down.

Listening to his mind, Jin quickly swallowed the alcohol and cringed at the bitter taste. "Ew," he whispered.

Despite his dislike for the alcohol, he felt the need to keep on drinking so he drank more and more and eventually got used to the taste. Without knowing it, he separated from Jimin and Taehyung, and went over to a table surrounded with a lot of people.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Jin asked putting his arms over the two guys he stood next to. "Beer pong. You ever played?" the guy next to him asked. Jin roughly shook his head, he had no idea what that was but after seeing a couple of people flick the ping pong ball in a cup, he shouted, "I wanna play!"

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