Chapter 9: Do you hate me?

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"So you like him?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon shot his head up giving Hoseok a shocked expression. "What!? No! I'm not Gay!"

Hoseok flinched at Namjoon's quick reaction, "Okay, okay. No need to get all defensive."

Namjoon realized his tone and calmed down. "Sorry, it's just, I don't know. That was weird." Hoseok nodded. "Well yeah, you almost kissed the guy. But hey it was nothing, right?"

"Pfft yeah, it was nothing. I'm just making a big deal out of nothing" Namjoon assured, telling himself more than Hoseok.

The bell rang. "Cool, well I've got to go, I'll see you later Namjoon." The two waved goodbye to each other as Hoseok left. "Alright, bye."

Namjoon smiled. He loved talking to Hoseok, because although he is extremely hiper, he's always there for a friend.

He turned and started heading to class until he saw Jin reading a book outside by himself. He looked so serene every time Namjoon saw him, but of course he didn't allow himself to think that.

He walked outside and made his way to him. Jin noticed a figure walking towards himself so he looked up to see Namjoon.

All Jin could think was, He looks so beautiful.

But he quickly got rid of the thought, thinking about Yoongi's words. "Hey Jin" Namjoon greeted. "Hi"

"What are you reading?" Namjoon asked taking a seat next to Jin. "Oh, it's just this book I have to read for history class." he answered. The younger nodded.

"Um, Namjoon?" Jin started. Namjoon looked at him "Yeah?"

"D-Do you um, Do you hate me?"

Namjoon's eyes widened. "What? Of course not" He could never imagine hating Jin, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just start thinking too much" Jin chuckled. "Oh."

"Well I better get to class" Namjoon said standing up. "Yeah me too" Jin put his belongings into his backpack. "What class do you have, I'll walk you"

What are you doing Namjoon!?

Jin turned red, "I have math." Namjoon nodded "Cool, cool"


Stuff's gonna happen I promise, I'm just trying to build it up.

Oh how I love fanart.

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