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There he was. There Namjoon was, on his very first stage.

The turnout was incredible. Once he was signed to one of the biggest companies in Seoul, He debuted as a solo artist by the name, Rap Monster.

The journey to where he is now was definitely no piece of cake, but he couldn't have done it without Jin.

And there Jin was, watching his man from backstage. Every now and then Namjoon would glance and smile at him.

Besides fame, Namjoon finally came out before graduation. He felt so proud and relieved, even Yoongi was happy for him. Hoseok knew it the whole time.

The real problem was when his manager suggested to not let anyone know about his sexuality. Namjoon agreed...

until he accidentally said he was gay in an interview.

Namjoon was big on social media for a while. Many international fans went crazy and surprisingly most of the Korean fans were okay with it. He was harassed every now and then with homophobes but he didn't pay them any mind.

Jin couldn't have been happier. He was with the love of his life and would occasionally brag about how he was dating a celebrity with Taehyung and Jimin just to tease them.

Namjoon never forgot about his weird neighbor, Jungkook. Namjoon wrote a song that was directed towards him and how much he cared despite being ignored. Jungkook helped him out a lot whenever he had a problem, he'd cook him a little meal and just listen to Namjoon rant. The two eventually met up and Jungkook started hanging out with the 6 boys.

After Namjoon finished up the concert leaving he fans shouting, he exited towards Jin. "You did amazing!" Jin shouted over the noise.

Namjoon went in for a kiss "Ew Namjoon,  you're all sweaty" Jin backed away.

"C'monn" Namjoon kept moving towards Jin which led to them running around backstage.

They both quit as they were out of breath.

The door opened and in came their friends with the vip passes around their necks. "Namjoon! That was awesome!" Hoseok yelled going in for a hug despite Namjoon's sweaty self.

"Thanks guys. It means so much that you came" Namjoon smiled.

Yoongi put his arm around Namjoon's shoulder "No problem, Rap Monster" Yoongi chuckled.

"Shut up" Namjoon glared at him.

"No no no, you're Rap Monster too now, be proud of that" Jin advised.

Taehyung stood on the lounge couch and chanted "Rap-Mon-Ster! Rap-Mon-Ster!" The whole group began chanting along. "Group hug!" Jungkook randomly yelled.

All 6 boys shared an embrace around Namjoon.

"You guys are so stupid" Namjoon smiled.


Thus leads to the official end of the book.

Thank you guys so much for reading. even though this sucked, it was really fun to write. Thank you for staying with it especially when i took forever to update.

-Ellie :)

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