Chapter 10: In the Ass

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"Hey could you get me a beer?" Yoongi asked from his sofa, seeing Namjoon head to the kitchen. "Yeah."

Namjoon went to the fridge and grabbed two beers. "Here" Namjoon said handing Yoongi a can.

"Thanks" Yoongi nodded "Hey guess who I ran into the other day"

"Who?" Namjoon questioned. "Your science partner" Yoongi answered chuckling.

"Really?" Namjoon was slightly worried. Yoongi was known to be a real jerk, obviously. "Yeah, I guess he was buying shoes or something, but he came up to me to say hi. I really didn't want to talk to him so I immediately told him to get away from me."

Namjoon's jaw clenched "Isn't that a little cold?" Yoongi turned to him "Nah the little fag deserves it."

That was it.

Namjoon stood up "What is with you? It's 2016, shouldn't you be over this? Just deal with the fact that guys can like guys and girls could like girls. There's nothing wrong with it! I don't understand why you hate him so much."

Yoongi was surprised at the sudden outburst but he quickly stood up "Because it's fucking disgusting! Think about it, they're fücking each other In the Ass" He stated shivering in disgust.

"Oh my God, the least you could do is ignore it. You just have to go around making fun of people who aren't like you. I don't care if you think it's gross but you could at least not say anything instead of being a dick about it." Namjoon finished. He grabbed his jacket and started walking to the door.

"Well fuck you too then!" Yoongi yelled at Namjoon.

Namjoon slammed the door. As he walked down the steps he kicked the trash bin by Yoongi's house.

He didn't know why he was so frustrated with this. It was just Jin.

As he furthered away from Yoongi he pulled out his phone.




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