Chapter 12: I Hate You

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Not mine^^^ But whoever made it is talented as hell.

2 chapters for ya cause i feel really sorry for taking so long to update :)


"Hey Namjoon"


Jin laughed through the phone when he realized something "We never actually finished that project."

"Oh my god, I forgot about that honestly" Namjoon chuckled.

"Do you want to come over and finish it really quick? It's due tomorrow and we just need to finish some stuff up" Jin asked.

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute" Namjoon replied before hanging up.


Namjoon arrived in no time. After Jin greeted him at the door they went to his room.

"I completely forgot about this project" Namjoon laughed after entering Jin's room.

"I did too until I saw the little bridge on my desk."

After 30 minutes, the project was complete and the two just talked.

"It's so weird how we became friends over this project" Namjoon brought up.

"I know right. But he gave us way too much time for this project, I mean it wasn't even that complex" Jin replied.

"Yet we finished it the day before it was due" Namjoon laughed. Jin rolled his eyes.

The two laughed together. They were both sitting on the floor leaning against Jin's bed with their work before them.

They're laughing calmed down when Namjoon looked at Jin.

Jin turned to face him as well.

He looked so beautiful.

Instinctively, Namjoon inched closer and closer to Jin. There was no voice in his head telling him to do otherwise. All he could think about was Jin.

Jin's cheeks turned pink as he saw Namjoon coming towards him.

And finally, they're lips met.

It was a moment neither of them could describe. Nothing else mattered in the world besides each other.

The kiss grew stronger as Namjoon placed his hand behind Jin's neck. They felt so comfortable like this was meant to happen.

But of course, it didn't last.

Namjoon's eyes opened wide and he immediately pushed Jin away. Jin fell back still in complete shock as to what just happened.

Namjoon stood up abruptly, as his breathing became heavier. "Why do you keep doing this?" Namjoon said "Why do you keep making me feel like this? I don't like it! Everything was fine before we met. I still had my best friend, I wouldn't have weird thoughts, I wouldn't be questioning everything so much!"

Jin began to feel scared at Namjoon's tone.

"I had a plan. I was going to get through school and be a rapper for some big company but how am I going to do that if I like dick!? No one would respect me! You're all I'm thinking about now and it's driving me insane!" He paused.

"I hate you!"

Jin's heart broke. He looked away from Namjoon and stared at the ground.

Namjoon was tearing up at this point and rushed out the door.

Jin sat in silence. He dug his head into his knees and began sobbing.

Namjoon made his way out of the house and yelled. He didn't care if anyone heard him. He got into his car and just sat there.

Tears fell down his face which he quickly wiped away.

He hated it but...

He loves Jin.

I Hate You // Namjin Where stories live. Discover now