Chapter 8: Hi Yoongi

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"Look! It's on sale!" Tae screamed running to the sweater he's been wanting for ages. Tae's eyes widened "Look my size!"

Jimin and Jin giggled at how excited Taehyung was. "Great! Now buy it, I'm hungry" Jin said.

After Taehyung bought his sweater, the three went to the food court in the mall. "Ahh, I love food" Jimin said inhaling his burger.

"Can we please go to this one shop really quick!" Taehyung begged when they were done eating. Jimin groaned "Fine."

As they were about to enter Jin remembered that Nari's birthday was coming up so he figured he'd go look for a present. "Hey you guys go ahead, I'm going to look for something in one of the other stores" Jin told them.

Jimin and Tae nodded as they separated. Jin stopped at a store that sold shoes, remembering that she wanted some sneakers that lit up.

Jin entered and started looking around. He spotted the ones she wanted so badly.

"I want the ones that light up when you walk. Oh and they have pink and blue swirls on them!"

She made sure to engrave every detail about the shoes into their mind ever since she saw the shoe commercial.

Jin asked one of the employees walking around for the size he needed. He watched as they went to the back with the shoe from the display. As Jin observed the store he spotted one of Namjoon's friends, Yoongi. And Jin being Jin, he decided to go over and say hi.

"Hi Yoongi, it's Jin" he greeted. Yoongi turned to the boy and clenched his jaw after seeing who it was.

Needless to say, Yoongi hated Jin.

"Oh, hey" he blankly replied. "What are you looking-"

"Look, I get you want to be 'friends' or whatever but I'd rather not hang out with a gay shit like yourself. So if you don't mind, I'm going to leave. Oh, and don't talk to me again, thanks." With that Yoongi walked away from Jin.

Jin couldn't move.

He flinched when the employee tapped his shoulder with the shoes in hand. "Here you are sir" she politely said. Jin cleared his throat "Thank you"

"Hey Jin, you ready to go?" Jimin and Taehyung asked entering the store. "Um yeah, let me buy this real quick" Jin said walking towards the cash register. Taehyung stopped him "Hey are you alright?" He had noticed his eyes looked a little watery. Jin gave him a smile "Yeah I'm fine."

After purchasing the shoes the three left. "You guys want to go anywhere else?" Jimin asked from the passenger seat in Tae's car. "No, I'm getting pretty tired" Jin said.

After a couple minutes Taehyung drove up to Jin's house to drop him off. "Bye, I'll see you guys tomorrow" Jin said as they drove off.

Jin walked inside. He felt like crying thinking back to what Yoongi said. Luckily the house was empty so he wouldn't be questioned as to why he was sad.

Jin could never take insults well because he took what people said about him extremely serious.

He went up to his room and just sat on his bed. Does Namjoon feel that way too? Is that why he's been ignoring me?


Sorry if this chapter bummed you out.

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