Chapter 18: Glad You're Back

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"I don't know if I could do this, Jin."

"It'll be alright, it's not like they'll see you and say, 'You've been smoochin' guys haven't you?'"

Namjoon gulped walking towards the school building "I know I know. It's just... I'm not ready for anyone to find out and I feel like they'll see right through me."

Jin nudged Namjoon "They won't, not unless you go around talking about how hot I am..."

Namjoon laughed. It still amazes him at how Jin could make any situation easier. "I'm so glad I have you" Namjoon said quietly but loud enough for Jin to hear.

Jin blushed. "Hey aren't you supposed to be the bad boy? Look at you, a softy."

"Shut up."

The two walked to their first class of the day, which fortunately was together.

They both heard quiet mutters and most of the eyes on Namjoon. He had been gone quite a while and with his bad boy image, there was no doubt that a rumor or two was started.

"Look my favorite student is back from the dead!" The teacher exclaimed when seeing Namjoon "Oh no, did I say that out loud?"


"What'd you do?"

"Are you going to tell us anything?"

"Oh God, did you get laid?"

"Jimin!" Jin shrieked. "What? Why else would you be smiling like that after a whole week of being the most miserable person on earth?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung and Jimin had been trying to figure out why Jin was so smiley all of a sudden and they were getting nothing. "You're going to drive me crazy" Taehyung groaned.

Jin shrugged eating his sandwich.

"Why won't you just tell us? Do you not trust us?" Jimin pleaded.

"It's not that I don't trust you guys, I just can't tell you yet." Jin wanted so badly to tell his best friends but he knew Namjoon wasn't ready for anyone to know so he kept his mouth shut.

Jimin and Tae both gave Jin evil glares. He couldn't help but laugh at how cute the boys looked trying to be intimidating.


"Well I'm glad you're back, Namjoon" Hoseok patted his shoulder. As he did so, he also took Namjoon's pudding cup.

"Hey, you know what i realized?" Hoseok asked opening the cup. "What?"

"You didn't thank me! I helped you guys get here and I'm not asking for a gold medal but you could at least say 'Thank you Hobi for being the bestest friend in the whole world for giving me the love of my life'" Hoseok said taking an angry spoonful of pudding.

"Okay okay! Thank you Hobi." Namjoon chuckled.

"That's not what I said but it will do."

The two continued eating until they heard someone greet them.

"Hey guys"

Namjoon and Hoseok both looked up to see Yoongi.


This story has changed so much from my first ideas.

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