Chapter 16: Hey Buddy

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Hoseok was driving and humming along to a song on the radio while tapping his fingers on the wheel as Jin was staring out the window in the passengers side.

He couldn't help but think about all the bad things Namjoon could do or say when he sees Jin. Maybe he'd yell, kick him out, or just flat out ignore him as if he doesn't exist.

Jin's felt his palms were becoming sweaty as he saw they were nearing Namjoon's house.

"Well, here we are. Shall we?" Hoseok asks as he parks the car in front of the house. Jin nodded.

The two exited the car and made their way to the door. Jin gave Hoseok a surprised face when he opened the door without knocking. "What? It's not like he cares"

Jin followed Hoseok towards Namjoon's room until he comes to a hault. "Uhh maybe you should wait here for a sec. I'm just gonna, y'know make sure he doesn't go crazy"

Jin gave Hoseok a panicked look. "Oh no! I'm not saying he'll go crazy, I meant-I'm just gonna go"

Jin watched as Hoseok quietly entered Namjoon's room "Hey buddy" was all he heard until Hoseok closed the door to the room.


"Hey Buddy" Hoseok entered the miserable looking room.

Namjoon didn't spare the boy a glance and continued throwing a tennis ball at the wall. "Heh, you look like Jinyoung in the 'If You Do' music video" Hoseok laughed to himself.

Namjoon gave the boy a blank stare. Hoseok raised his hands in defense "Sorry"

The older got up to take a pizza slice from the box on his bed "That's so gross" Hoseok shivered.

"Is there a reason you're here or are you just checking to make sure i'm not dead?" Namjoon asked, food still in his mouth.

"Uhh yeah actually there is. Namjoon... you need to get it together."

Namjoon groaned "Not this again"

"Yes and I have exactly what will snap you back to reality" Hoseok opened the door. "or possibly put you in worse condition" he whispered the last part.

"Wait what?" Namjoon turned to look at Hoseok to see someone at the door, Jin.

Namjoon quickly stood up clearing his throat. He attempted to hide the pizza box and shove his dirty clothes under his bed.

"Um hi Jin" Namjoon said finally making eye contact. The contact alone made Namjoon feel so much better yet worse at the same time.

"H-Hi Namjoon"


I'm so bad at updating. But hey! I'm so close to 2k reads! that makes me so happy.

I hope you guys had a great christmas. I GOT A NEW PHONE! finally ami right? my other one was possessed, like i'd be typing something and it went off to do it's own thing, partially the reason why i haven't updated. but that's over now so hopefully i'll update more often.

-Ellie :)

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