Chapter 7: He's So Weird

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... I 'got7' chapters.


"Great I'll see you later, yeah?"

Namjoon panicked. He felt bad for leaving Jin so abruptly, but he was too scared of what might've happened if he didn't.

Why am I panicking? Nothing would've happened. Now you look like a jerk for leaving him like that.

Namjoon eventually made it home, but the silence of the empty house only caused him to think about Jin even more.


Jin noticed something weird when he got to school. He noticed Namjoon's strange behaviour. He didn't greet him like usual or even look his way.

It was as if he was purposely blocking out his existence. "Hey Namjoon" Jin decided to speak up only to receive a nod from the younger.

Class went on like usual and when it was nearing an end Jin asked "Are you okay?" Namjoon looked at him but quickly turned away. "Uh, yeah."

Jin couldn't help but wonder if his father had done something to make him act like this. He decided not to bombard Namjoon with questions figuring he just wants to be left alone.

Meanwhile Namjoon completely forgot about his father due to his mind constantly focusing on Jin. Namjoon was trying hard to avoid whatever it was he felt last night. He didn't know what to do so he thought, Why not just avoid Jin himself?

When class was dismissed by the bell Namjoon practically ran out of his chair, exiting the classroom. Jin was beyond confused. Why is he acting so weird?


Lunch finally came around and Namjoon was sitting in his usual spot along with Yoongi and Hoseok, who was no longer sick.

As the trio were eating in silence Yoongi saw how Namjoon was staring off somewhere. He followed his gaze, which landed on Jin. He was talking to two other guys. "That guy's weird, right?" Yoongi commented chuckling.

Namjoon broke out of his trance "what?" Yoongi finished off his sandwich as he continued "Jin. He's so weird. I walked passed him the other day and he was talking to some girl about nail polish. Faggot."

Namjoon wanted to slap Yoongi right then and there, but he kept his cool nodding as if what he just said wasn't a complete jerk thing to say.

Hoseok wasn't listening to their conversation since he was listening to the music in his earphones. Namjoon was glad he wasn't, since Hoseok himself was gay.

Hoseok had one day gone to Namjoon for comforting when he finally came to terms with himself and knew that he didn't like girls. He was a total wreck that day, he knew his parents wouldn't accept him for being gay so he let everything out and told Namjoon. He hadn't told anyone else besides him, knowing what Yoongi, as well as his parents, think about anyone who wasn't straight or what they thought to be, "normal."

Namjoon felt bad for Hoseok, knowing that he had to keep such a big part of him to himself in order to keep his friend and parents.

He then thought about Jin and how he chooses to hide it too, even though he makes it kind of obvious.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon shook his head "Nothing."

Once lunch ended they headed towards the gym. Namjoon entered the locker room and started changing after he opened his locker, taking out his uniform. Yoongi followed after him, opening his own.

He felt someone looking in his direction so he looked up to find Jin staring at Namjoon who was right next to him.

"Eww" He grimaced. "I think the freak likes you" Yoongi said nudging his friend. After giving him a confused look, Namjoon realized he was referring to Jin.

For some reason, the thought of Jin liking Namjoon made him feel all giddy inside. But as always, Namjoon pushed those thoughts and feelings away.

I need to get it together.


Curse me for making Yoongi into such a jerk.

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