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I didn't believe my eyes, this is the last one I would like to see. I didn't want him to think that I like him or that I am chasing him. I knew it was going to be a disastrous night. I think I should go home now. I didn't even bring him a gift.
Everyone said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and then went to hug him and greet him. I didn't move, I just stood there thinking what should I do. Someone turned on the music and I was hit by that loud music, I gasped as I was distracted. I looked beside me but I didn't find Karen. Great!! I don't know anyone here.
I decided to move and I may find Karen. I started walking but it was so crowded and everyone was dancing and drinking. I found that the kitchen was the least crowded so I went there and sat on the table there. I didn't see Karen anywhere, she must be with her friends.
I was thinking that this day is so long and many things had happened today. Who knows ahat will happen in the coming days. I hope it goes well, I already hate it here since I moved from Minnesota. I left everything, literally: my life, my few friends, my school, my home, my memories.
"Hey, Sophiaaaa" Someone said very near to my ears and loudly that it hurts and I jumped out of surprise.
Of course .. Harry , I feel that his passion in life is giving me a heart attack.
"Again.. You will never stop that awful habit,you wanna give me a heart attack." I said loudly so he could hear over the loud music.
" I told ya before."
"That you wanna give me a heart attack?"
He laughed, "No,that I like seeing your reaction." I blushed as always, my face always embarrasses me. He touched my cheek and then I felt like there are millions of butterflies in my stomach. He approached me very much and was about to say something just inches away from my ear but three guys came and started talking to him and greeting him for his birthday. I didn't feel comfortable, I think I should leave them. I don't know them.
    I walked through people to look for Karen but didn't fond her, where the hell did she go. She just disappeared. There is no way to find her and calling her will be just useless in this loud music, so I forgot about it.
    I headed towards the door and then decided to go out and sit in the garden. The cool breeze felt great on my skin, I missed breathing fresh air, how do these people bear going there every weekend?
    I sat down on the floor, got out my phone and headphones and put them on. I thought about what Harry has been saying to me since the beginning of the day. I don't like him or something, I just like what he says to me an the way he is treating me, I think he is nice. It started to be cold, I shivered and put my hands on my arms to help me feel warm. I was shivering, I'll get sick no doubt. Where is my dark red jacket? Oh I left it in Karen's car and the keys are with her. It is a terrible night.

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