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Luke raised his right hand as a black dark glow began to burn from his hand. Cowering in fright the old god closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. Suddenly the blow that the old god was expecting never touched him at all. Opening his eyes the old god saw Thomas Luke's strongest servent. Who also is the king of a smaller galaxy known for its own terrifying warriors. The strangest thing was this galaxy was a cut above the Poison Galaxy. If this galaxy known as Shanghai wanted to, they could send a single warrior to get rid of Poison Galaxy. Millenniums ago the king of the Shanghai galaxy appeared before the king of Poison and pledged his galaxy's undying support to the Poison Galaxy. This propelled the rise of the Poison Galaxy to its place down to this time. Luke face went from shock to a calm face. Luke said " Thomas why did you stop me from killing this old fool? He embarrassed me and he has to pay with his life". Strangely enough Luke spoke to Thomas with such respect that every God or Goddess present noticed this fact. What could cause this narcissistic immortal God to be respectful to a subordinate? Thomas just shook his head and said " it's unbecoming master to kill such a lowly worm. What would your enemies think if you showed you had the temperament of a 2 year old? They would in the future, place you in situations that may end up in you being killed by a immortal stronger than you who pretends to be weak". Luke was flabbergasted and said " You're right about my enemies. If I killed this worm then they would think that I am an impulsive immortal. Who doesn't think before he acts. Thank you once again Thomas for bringing me back to my senses". Thomas sighed to himself and thought " Ah this fool almost destroyed all my carefully laid out plans. Luke turned to the old god and sneered "be grateful that I have more important things to do then get rid of a grain of sand like you. Instead I'll just punish you so you may understand to never be disrespectful to those higher than you". Suddenly the old god's body flew up into the air hitting the iron steel reinforced walls. No one noticed as the old god flew he made some strange movements. He suddenly seemed to slow down and move at an incredible pace. The old god opened his hand and a golden small ball was in his hand. Making a throwing motion the old god pushed himself to lie down on the floor and did not move. "AHAHHA see I didn't kill him Thomas all I did was punish him. It's not my fault that he's too weak and he died from the punishment". Thomas wore a confused look. " He thought to himself " That's a wierd old god. Something is not right here. No matter at least he's still alive".

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