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"Your highness take cover"! "Booom". The whole palace shook. Sirens began to sound loudly in the palace. Screams of anguish and suffering by the elites of the Palace guards. The strongest 10 guards surrounded the queen and the princess. " This way to safety our queen and princess. We're prepared for a situation such as this". As the group made their way to the emergency excape pods. Suddenly one of the guards body was impaled by an extendable arm. This arm was very grotesque. It was bright red with big spikes covered with a deadly neurotoxin. In fact the arm began to eat the impaled guard. Eyes suddenly appeared and a evil aura appeared. Before the guards could even react to fight this arm, it vanished just as quickly as it appeared. "Let's move move, move. Thomas take point you have the sharpest of senses. Colton you got middle! Shoot down anything that moves and cover Thomas. Hake gave it his all for us we'll mourn later. Let's go"! Hurrying as fast as they could the group of nine and the two royals were very calm. An enormous asparagus looking plant suddenly popped up from from the solid six inch floor floor and engulfed five more guards. Only the blood stains could could be seen. This was just the start, until only the captain of the guards was left. "I failed you my queen. It seems that the enemy knows our every movement. I'll draw fire away from you. Good luck your highness and princess". Smiling sweetly at the young princess. The captain activated his powers. His bloodline was also activated. Noone has ever seen the captain ignite his bloodline before. Walking slowly towards the area away from the excape pods. Suddenly six monstrosities appeared before the captain. Brandishing his sword and firearm at the same time
The captain was able to kill two of the monsters. Outraged the remaining monstrous creatures became much much vicious in their attacks. The captain was on his last breaths. "Ahhhh"! The captain lost his right hand and his left eye. After losing his weapons and how intense intense the pain was. The captain became like a lamb ready for slaughter. Waiting for the end the captain never flinched. "Arrrg"! Opening his eyes the captain was suprised to see that he was still alive. The creatures were frozen, the captain wondered why. Soon spurts of dark purple blood leaked out of the creatures. Standing in a full suit of armor was the queen. With a quick flick of her wrist all the purple blood from the blade made a splash on the floor. Looking up the captain saw the queen. Smiling at the captain she said "its too early for you to die that easily. I'll take it from here, it's been a long time since my blade has tasted fresh blood. Daughter I'm sorry for you to see mommy like this. Remember this you have running through your veins my blood and that of your fathers. Soon you'll understand what I mean".

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