Divine Dragon- Emperor

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The boy was confused at what his grandfather said. Every time the boy was confused he would cross his arms together and tilt his head to the side. Every time he did this in the company of any females they would blush and often fainted as a result. As soon as that happened the boy often became enraged. One time he had to save the passengers of the bus he was riding on. The bus driver fainted while staring at the boy. "Grandfather what do you mean? The fact that they are easy to kill? Or is there something that I'm missing"? The grandfather stopped smoking his pipe, and stood up. The same fantastic features that was on the boy was enhanced even further on his grandfather. It seemed as time passed the more the boy would become even handsome. The grandfather stood at six foot nine inches. The passage of time did not slow the massive bulge of muscles on his body. There was not an once of fat on his body. "Princeton my grandson I've seen and fought against the masters of these creatures before. These things are just the pawns that come first". As Princeton grandfather was speaking, a voice was screaming in Princeton's mind. "Save her fool! Our future mate is in trouble! I'm going to kill anything that would dare harm our mate"! "Whose there! How are you inside my mind"! Princeton was very scared although you wouldn't be able to tell my hia facial expression. In a flash Princeton was transported deep inside his mind. When he opened his eyes, Princeton was standing on fluffy white clouds. There was a ruby green path that Princeton was on. Not too far in the distance Princeton noticed emerald gates that was so massive in size. Yet the way it looked it was very light and delicate. On the gates were one hundred locks depicting one hundred baba elements."It's been seven billion years since I've seen such a perfect desendent of mine. Boy you are the most gifted and have the perfect Los body in existence! The only one who has ever had the Los body is me your Ancestor. We don't have a lot of time to talk, but I'll be watching you hahhaha. Finally I have found someone who can have my lagacy"! Princeton was pushed out of his mind and back standing facing his grandfather. Princeton asked his grandfather "I know that you can sense where the attacks are focused. What I want to know is if it's in the castle or towards the castle"? "Yes it's toward the castle . In fact there's about to be a slaughter of the Queen and princess. Such a shame too, the royal guards are no match. It's becoming a blood bath". Shockwaves pressed upon Princeton's mind. "Bloodbath? No I won't accept that. I won't accept that"! A slow terrifying murderous aura was slowing expanding from Princeton. His caught Princeton's grandfather completely by surprise. The four servants that were present in the room were laid out on the floor. No response could be seen from them. "Princeton my grandson what's happening to you? You're revealing your aura and it's a bloodthirstyscent as well. It's almost as if you've. ....... Wait a second. You've found your mate and it's that fragile princess". Princeton's grandfather said with disgust. Princeton aura became even more fearsome. To the point that half of the house was broken in two. What did say that about her!

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