Killing the Dragon part 2

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The last four generals walked as fast as they could. The tallest and strongest gestured to the remaining three to step into his ship. As the soldiers of his got t the ship to start speeding to the planet. All four of them took off their helmets, the smallest of the general's looks very similar to the strongest general. Why you may ask? The simple reason is that they were brothers, though not physically gifted, he was the smartest general. "Now that  we're all in this predicament, my brother tells me that we should all work together". Said the strongest general and he sighed and said "I'm this strong because my brother and I found a special wine that increases your power four trillion fold. My brother didn't want any but now he's going to have a drink so you too can have a drink as well. This is very potent stuff anymore and you die". The their two generals eyes went wide and one said "why are you letting us drink this"?  "Because we're going to be facing the biggest challenge ever and I won't be responsible for your deaths. I want to live. You know the price of we fail. So to us and our happy future. Once we're finished we run away as fast as we can. He's not going to let us free at all. Were just a good supply for him". All started to sweat and the strongest watched all three drink and could see the changes taking place. Now we're going to be arriving there very soon in 10 clicks. You too have two assignments. There's a unit of ladies that's destroying our troops. That's your job number 3. As for you number you have a much tougher assignment, you have to guard a dragon, and our boss's daughter". "WHAT"!  "Enough just listen to what I'm saying. My brother and I will go and deal with the strongest threat and bring back the package that his crazy self wants so badly. So that's the plan lets get out and and save our hinds". All three nodded and suddenly a blaring loud noise came over the speakers.  A door opened from under them and they dropped flying at an electric speed reaching mock 2 speeds.

Back on the ground the specialized unit of the girls were having an awesome time destroying the invading forces. They were in the mist of having a competition to see who has the most kills. Winner gets to go to the best spa that as a lifetime promise to make any beauty more beautiful. Currently the muscle of the unit of the ladies had racked up one million kills. Completely outclassing everyone on the team. Laughing so hard as she screamed out "Its mine all mine! Finally I'll be better looking than the chief hahhahha!"!

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