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Annabelle's demeanor completely changed. Her eyes twinkled as Frank listed the various trials Percy went through to reach home. Annabeth thought " Percy did all of that for me. He suffered so much just to get back home. I.. I'm not worthy of his affections. Wait a minute he left me at the alter! I THOUGHT HE WAS THE GREATEST WARRIOR GOD IN THE UNIVERSE! HOW CAN THE BEST GOD GET TRICKED! HE DID THAT ON PURPOSE. HE WANTED ME TO SUFFER IMMENSELY ! I'll Never forgive Percy Jackson"! Annabeth's eyes which at first was very bright and alive. Slowly but surely became ice cold, cold enough that Annabeth's heart became frozen. Due to her anger that was misplaced Annabeth's true character came out. A new birth of a cold calculating unfeeling goddess was born. Drain who doesn't have enough brain cells thought his bride who liked at first looked at him with a passion. Noticed Annabeth was staring at her previous flame with rapt attention. Drain became ferious thinking " I'll rip Percy into pieces for coveting my women"! Frank continued "unfortunately the attack that Percy blocked for me does more damage mentality". Tryon asked in a clear voice "older brother Frank plased tell me what's the damage to my brother"? Frank became even more distressed and said Percy now has the mentally of a eight year old. The attack changed the way Percy thinks, and it's going to take perhaps six thousand years until Percy is back to normal". There is nothing we can do but wait for Percy's mind to return". Poseidon grabbed Percy into his arms, standing up with difficulty. He stared at the crowd of immortals before turning away. Tylon sneered at the gods and goddesses who were full of themselves. Frank took a deep breath suddenly a bright golden gold purple light appeared. Covering Frank and by the time the light disappeared, Frank was gone. At the same time Poseidon and Tryon along with Percy disappeared. Zeus shouted "where did my brother go?

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