Chapter two

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I ran up the stairs going into my room, as usual. As promised I texted Zoe that I had made it home. I knew it would take awhile for her to reply so I decided to take a shower. I grabbed a pair of my old cheer shorts, a twenty one pilots T-shirt, and matching set of undergarments. I entered the bathroom and set my clothes on the shelf by the sink. I moved to look into the mirror at my reflection, my hair is a dark chocolate brown and goes down just barely below my ribs. Although when I straighten it, it's about an inch longer. My skin is lightly tanned, which I was happy considering I used to be as white as paper, I get the paleness from my moms side of the family, there is a lot of Irish in me. That being said I can tan a little thanks to the large amount of Indian my dad has in him. He is also mixed with some French but I always got confused when he talked about our heritage. My body type is considered slim but I did have my curves. By curves I mean my breasts and the point that my squats are finally paying off. Don't get me wrong the attention is okay some times, but some guys don't seem to know what boundaries are. I'm okay with the attention to my but because I am proud because I worked to get it bigger bit for my boobs it's annoying, I didn't choose for them to be big.

After about an hour of being in the shower I decided I needed to get out. I dried off and got dressed, putting my sleek and shine product in my hair and letting it dry naturally. When I walk back to my room I realize I had gotten a few texts on my phone from Zoe.

(Text convo)
Zoe: so help me if you are online shopping instead of answering me
Zoe:you need help...
Zoe: I could help you.
Me: I was in the shower..
Me: and I don't have a problem.
Me: I just enjoy it.
Me: a lot..
Zoe: the first step in getting better is admitting you have a problem.
Zoe: you're in-denial 
Me: what did you need to tell me??
Zoe: OH YEAH!! I almost forgot.
Zoe: I heard Alex is having a party Friday... Which is tomorrow night, for the seniors. And guess who's gonna be there?
Me: hmmmm.. Seniors??
Zoe: ....
Zoe: why are we even friends?
Me: because I gave you my pizza in the 1st grade..
Zoe: I do love pizza<3
Zoe: But seriously..
Zoe: Sam and Colby are gonna be there!!!!!
Zoe: YASSS... And we are going this time.
Zoe: Right?
I looked at her text nervously. I've been to plenty of parties, but I never went to one if I knew Colby was gonna be there. I didn't wanna embarrass myself in front of him. My phone dings grabbing my attention again.
Me: Right.. We are going.

I put my phone in the small pocket of my cheer shorts and walked downstairs. I grabbed a small snack and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I scrolled through my Instagram while I ate my cheese and carrots. I noticed I had a DM from Alex. I've known Alex since we were 6. Our mothers were very close work friends and when they found out our birthdays were the exact same they had a conjoined party for us when we turned 6. We've been friends ever since. I looked back at my phone and opened the message

(Text convo)
Alex: ayyy homegirl I got a question
Me: what's up homeboy?
I mentally laughed while waiting for him to answer. We always talk like this. People used to think we were flirting since we gave each other a lot of nicknames, and I do me A LOT, but he is my other best friend, and we never liked each other that way. We tried dating a couple years ago just to see if we had feelings for each other and there was never anything more than friendship. I looked back at my phone when I got a notification.
Alex: I'm sure you heard about my party tomorrow night, I need your help setting up. I have 2 of my friends but I can use all the help I can get.
Me: yea no problem, I can bring Zoe. I'm sure she won't mind helping.
Alex: thanks sugar plum, be here at 5 the party starts at 9pm
Me: sure thing Boo

I sent Zoe a text telling her that we are helping Alex and she agreed and said she was gonna get ready over here so she can raid my closet. I mean I do have a lot of clothes, but you can never have enough clothes right?

I decided to go to bed early. By early I mean 10pm which was pretty early for me. I knew it was gonna take me longer to get ready for this party. I didn't wanna look bad if Colby was gonna be there. Just the thought of him makes me smile. After going through the things that could go wrong tomorrow night like; what if I trip while dancing, what if my outfit rips, what if I finally talk to Colby and a monster appears and eats him.. Ok maybe that is a little dramatic but still something could happen, I pushed those thoughts out of my head and I finally managed to fall asleep.

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