#326 in Humor
A hilarious warped parody of our favorite childhood story, The Wizard of Oz, but what really is a story without our dear orange skinned racist bigot, Donald Trump?
*extended summary inside*
-written in early 2016
CANT BELIEVE IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS "BOOK". I remember the day I came home hyper and started writing this like it was yesterday... Ahh...
Special thanks to:
Everyone who actually sat down to read this piece of shit till the very end, and everyone who voted and supported this 'book' in various ways. Thank you and I LOVE YOU. ❤️
My mum for dropping me.
Wattpad for making a website I can express my weird self without hindrance.
Celebrities for doing stupid shit I can exploit.
My phone
My bed
My laptop
Red Bull
My extra sugary Frosties cereal...
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