Wishing for Change

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Change is one of those things that cannot be so easily defined. Many people state what they want to change, that they want to make a difference, but they never say what making a difference can mean. What does changing mean when there are so many things that need to?

Changing is not doing something different.

The whole meaning of change revolves around the idea that it is doing something different out of the old routine, the old plan and the old stuff.

Making a difference is not shaping the world and affecting peoples views.

Nothing is that simple and may never be as simple if the human race spends most of its days in the dark pit we are ruining for ourselves. The one place worth living and no one seems to do anything to help the problems.

Or at least not enough.

There are so many harmful and toxic lives lived due to the reality that no one helps, no one acknowledges and no one thinks.

Or at least not enough.

Humans tend to do many silly things. We like to surround ourselves with things that only affect the dying present with drastic measures against the future. Humans surround ourselves with toxic gasses from the new innovations we recently discovered that will only build upon newer mistakes. Humans think that currency may be the only foundation to build power and connect more people together;  to make them united. Clearly something is blocking the strive and the sight of the most powerful to make the dismal planet still untainted.

The planet is not different. Not changed.

Do they forget that not all of the roaming the creatures of Earth have the connection? Do some of them even slightly remember that some people in the world do not have food, enough currency to get by, and a place to call their own?

Why isn't anything happening to make the lives of those lesser privileged people any better and making those lives worth something we put ours  out to be?

The planet is not changing. It's not making a difference.

The first step of change and what it means is taking away something to only improve circumstances of another.

Making a difference  is acting in the present to over come an obstacle of tomorrow.

Wishing for change. Wishing for something else that can help the world's people.

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