They had arrived.
They landed in a swarm
Of rage and fire.
Only the strong survived,
As their first footsteps
Tripped and stopped.
Long fingers reached and outstretched,
Hoping to touch
A golden crest
That was soft and new to the outsiders they were indeed.
Caressing the soft material,
The newcomers wondered.
Hardness and softness bloomed as a mystery.
Appendages crept into a shiny substance.
It was blue and green
And so the travelers approached
With much reluctance.
Soon the travlers were greeted with delight,
Because it was miles of water that made their souls bright.
Red things creeped into their visions.
Shaped like hearts the objects were,
As they hung from pointed wood.
The newest plant had a sweetness,
A glorious color, though as deadly as Venus.
Foolishness drove them to their own demise.
Though soon the strongest of the strong,
The toughest of the tough,
And the wisest of the wise,
Made the journey to see the final hours.
And in the moment, the newest life
Instantly became cowards.
Monsters rose from corner and shadows,
Easily hiding and
Outsmarting the new fellows.
Instantaneously, the monsters won.
Defeating the Martians.
More war to come.
But little did the monsters know,
Peace was the intent.
They came for kindness,
Though the monsters were hell bent
On making sure differences were killed,
Ensuring that only the originals were fulfilled.
And the new ground the others landed on, was a far off place called Earth. The world full of indifference, and the newest travelers that got destroyed were the ones who landed there. The human race fought them without any hesitation.
Wishing for the Unforeseen
PoesíaNo matter what's thought, poetry makes people think and thinking does something. It creates new horizons for anybody who just listens to the fluttering wings of thoughts. The thumping, and the feeling of the amazing. The wondrous flight of the new w...