In between the lines of the ever changing human imagination there lies something deeper than an inspiring twitch to come up with new ideas.
Inside the balance of what's right and wrong there lay a fragile point where nothing can be fixed anymore. Where the balance point has snapped so much that now there lay no other options but to return and only fail in the process. Over and Over the process repeats itself.
Human connection, foundation and morals are something that seems to keep the world in check for most of us that can feel and identify when "pushing the boundaries" is present for ones like another. On the other hand some of us cannot identify with these strong moral obligations so they instead seek for something else. That something does nothing but persecute innocent people because the idea the people use to lead their lives or the way the person is, challenges the views of the person in power. The powerful person can't be wrong so more persecution, persecution and persecution.
The person in power has spiritual enlightenment so that must mean your way is wrong and your way should be like theirs.
They have the idea that they are perfect so you are dirty.
You are lesser because you are different.
Am I? Are we? I am human and because I am different from the way you are that makes me lesser? Makes us lesser? I can think for myself and like to believe my own things, choose how to run my life and you say that I am worthless. Am I? Are we? If one has a difference from what is perceived to be normal they are different? Are they? Am I?
I am lesser because I am not the same? Because I was born that way? Because of my gender? Because I am myself?
The connections humans have with one another is something to be cherished and loved. It is only when the different ideas work together and when countries are united, is when things will begin to run smoothly and not end in the tragedy the powerful have set fourth and set in motion. We are all people. We are all creatures that survived this earth in order to live. If I experience the same things you do, why are we different? What makes you want to change other people by means of hurt and violence?
One person made a mistake and you choose to blame the whole.
One person has the upper hand and now desperate control brings people to suffer.
One physical difference makes you cast down a hand of smite and eyes of disgust.
We are lesser because we are different from the reigns of control.
So often the question of treatment, feelings, and liberty has come up because the stubborn are not willing to face the fact that some of us humans will never meet the "standards" of humanity. So often we are born set apart because we are not you.
Punishing the whole only destroys he effort humans have put into the earth making sure it won't crumple beneath our feet. Using smite will not only tear the lives of your peasents apart. It will hurt you. You will be an outcast.
Being different is the same, it is being human. Making a mistake is human. Feeling for others even when something is wrong is right. It is human. It is all the creatures who have lived throughout eternity. It is life and its' balance will become stronger.
So where, I must ask, in this world do you belong if you are not welcome to enter the world of eternity.
The world of equality.
Wishing for the Unforeseen
PoesiaNo matter what's thought, poetry makes people think and thinking does something. It creates new horizons for anybody who just listens to the fluttering wings of thoughts. The thumping, and the feeling of the amazing. The wondrous flight of the new w...