Chapter 1

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I was thrown into a dark supply closet in the hall. The bare 60 watt bulb flickered to life and swung. The light seemed so bright. She grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I was against her body. I could feel it whenever she took a breath. We stood for a moment taking it in, we breathed each other in. I begged my hands not to sweat. That's when she dropped my hand. I grabbed her body and pulled it hard against my own. Smelling her sweet scent. She wrapped her small arms around my waist. I pulled back and our eyes met. Her chocolate eyes twinkled under the bare bulb and i saw how her eyes were so bright when she looked into mine. I moved in so close i could feel her warm breath against my lip. Our lips met with force, It shot a pulse of energy through my body. It was electric. I could feel her smile through our passionate kiss. I remember how beautiful it was and kissed her harder. Which made her giggle letting our tongues collide. I pushed her against the door and started to trace kisses down her collarbone and and she let out a small moan so i nibbled harder and kissed it away causing her to moan louder. I smiled and slide my hand searching her stomach and found the button of her jeans....


The alarm clock buzzed into my head jolting me away from my dream about her. I laid there remembering the sweet dream wishing i could really hold her. My mom yells up at me.

" Sammy get up. you're gonna be late!"

I groaned and rolled out of my bed. Picked my clothes for school and got into the shower and let the hot water sting my skin, it woke me up fully. I got changed and slumped down to the front room. I was wearing my purple skinny jeans with small tears, it was an old pair and a black v-neck t shirt, with my traditional black vans. My mom threw me a banana and rushed me out the door.

At school i caught up with my friends Krissy and Jay. We walked and talked around our tiny high school. We were all in the ninth grade. Krissy has long blond hair straight and she was very petite. Jay on the other hand was very casual with short curly hair and very tall and slender. We were walking when she ran into me. Her I mean the one and only Chelsea. The one in my dream. Her deep chocolate eyes looking into mine. She apologized and with a sweet smile left me. I was awestruck I don't know what it is, but when I look into her eyes so deep my hearts starts beating faster and slower at the same time. She makes me so confused, how could i like somebody so much even though i barely even know her. It hurts knowing that i may never be able to hold her.

The bell rang shaking me out of my thoughts. I ran to my first period science, i daydreamed the class away. When the bell rang after what felt like years later. I ran actually sprinted to my next class because I wanted to beat her there. I loved that class because she was in it with me. even though to most this class sucked, it was health class.

I sat and waited for her. The door flew open and in she came. Her gorgeous smile in all. I looked at her from head to toe admiring her perfect body. It was like slow motion when she walked towards me to sit in front of me. She glanced at me and smiled shyly and said a light hey and sat down. The teacher being late as always gave us time to chat. I was talking to Jay since we shared that class as well. She shoved my shoulder roughly.

" The Hell?" I looked at her and she giggled.

"you so like her don'tcha?" she said. The corners of my mouth turned up.

"how'd you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"God damn woman. i saw the way you totally undressed her with yo eyes."

Not gonna lie i tried my best. She laughed and pushed me again playfully. I blushed and hid my face with my sleeve. 

The teacher Mr. Morrison came in apologizing about the delay. He said that we are going to do a partner project that's gonna be due next Monday. I looked at Jay with a screwed up face she gave one back confirming our partnership. It was interrupted though by the teacher announcing that he will choose the partners. We looked at each other with a big frown. We obviously didn't get paired up because fate. Mr. M was calling out names still. It was almost over there were four of us left. One of them being Chelsea. My heart began to beat faster at thought of us getting paired up.

" okay now Samantha and...(the pause felt so long) and Chelsea"

he finished the last pair. 

Chelsea turned around in her seat, " howdy. partner" she said in a fake southern accent. It was so cute i blushed a little.

frozen for a second, finally shaking my mind i spoke, "hiya" i smiled shyly. 

Then Jay walked by pushing my back so that i was only inches from Chelsea's face. I froze again with fear. I could feel her breath and couldn't help but look at her lips, I looked back at her eyes. They were filled with shock and a hidden emotion. It almost look like hunger. Her eyes wavered down to my lips. I scooted back and apologized. I looked over at Jay who was laughing silently and flipped her off. She stuck her tongue out.

The teacher said that we have to do a full page on the human body and also make a model with labels. Chelsea decided that one of us could dress up in a skeleton costume with everything labeled. I knew she was genius, a very beautiful genius.

She said we could work on it during the weekend. I agreed and she grabbed my hand and pulled it towards her and scribbled her number in her cute handwriting and put her name with a heart next to it. I looked down at it and she blew on it to dry the sharpie ink. Sending a tingly feeling through my arm and down my legs.  

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