Chapter 24

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When I opened my eyes everything seemed white. I looked around hearing beeping sounds all around me and a faint. "She's waking up.Sammy!"

I saw the figures sitting at my bedside. I focused my eyes straining to see who they were. My sight soon cleared and the first person I saw was a tall man. He had a suit on and looked very fancy.

I wondered who they all were. My head pounding. I look around and see her sitting on my left clutching on to my hand.

"Sam. Its me. I'm here." Chelsea says softly squeezing my hand.

I smile "I missed you." I spoke but my words were very horse and gravelly.

I try and sit up and hiss with pain. "Whoa. Whoa girl no need to sit up yet." I remember that voice.

Chelsea's Dad in his suit. Oh that makes sense. The doctor comes in with his clip board.

"Oh your awake, that's fantastic." He says walking over.

"How are you feeling?" He asks looking down at his clip board and back up at me.

"My head hurts and so does my ribs." I said.

"Ah okay. Do you know where you are? Your name?" He shines a light at my eyes.

"Um a hospital and Samantha. " I day looking weird at him.

"That's good know short term memory lose." He says.

He puts the stethoscope to my heart "okay breathe breath out... good." He puts it back around his neck.

"How long was I asleep for?" I look at him.

"Four days, but it is good that you are awake now. So do you know what happened to you?" He asks putting the clipboard down.

"Mm. I was driving. Then I saw bright lights and everything went black." I said my head still throbbing.

"Well hun. You got into a head on collision with another vehicle. You would've had less serious injuries if you had a seat belt on. When the car hit you. It flung you forward hitting the windshield and the airbags malfunctioned and did not deploy, so when you went forward you broke a couple of ribs on the steering wheel. " he spoke. Then said. "Its a miracle that you survived really. Someone was looking out for you that day." He smiled.

"What about the other driver?" I asked.

"Just a couple bumps and bruises is all." He said.

"Well I will check on you later and if all is good I will discharge you tomorrow. " he smiled and left.

Chelsea's Dad stood. "You guys are probably hungry I will go get McDonald's. " he said standing up and leaving the room.

When we were alone I looked at Chelsea smiling.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." She whispered.

"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too. But why were you driving so fast to get to me?" She asked.

"Well I..I really needed to see you." I said grasping her hand.

"It couldn't wait Till the morning or you know someone with a licence could've drive you." She said looking at me deeply.

" couldn't." I said sadly.looking away.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

I look down at our hands then back at her my mouth open but no words coming out. My eyes filled with tears. I just looked at her confused face.

"I..I..I kissed her. It didn't mean anything and I just missed you and one thing lead to another. I didn't want to ever hurt you like this. So I ran to find you. " I spoke out all at once. Sobs soon taking over.

Her eyes glazed over with tears about to fall. Her face went blank.

"Please say something." I said. Pleading her.

I felt her hand fall out of mine. She stood up grabbing her coat.

"No." Was all she said before she left.

I sat up quickly but my head started spinning and my chest screamed in pain. I fell back down to the pillows. I brought my hands to my face. What have I done.

Her dad came into the room with bags of food. "Where's Chelsea? " he asks looking around.

"She left. You should probably find her." I said.

He put the bags down and looked at me weird. Then left the room. I smelled the delicious fries but wasn't in the mood to eat them.

After a while I soon fell back asleep.

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