Chapter 7 :D

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              ***Chelsea's pov***

i sat in my room and waited for Sammy to text me. i waited and waited what felt like hours so i texted her.

no response. i waited another ten minutes still nothing. i crawled into my bed and layed down to wait. i drifted off into a sleep. when i heard a noise like someone was coming up the stairs. i sat up clutching my phone.

then i heard a light knock on my door. i was questioning why someone would be knocking at i look over at the clock 1:02 am what.,..

i walk over to the door and slowly open it. all i see is sam's face all the blood and bruises. all she said was " i don't feel good." and she collapsed into my arms. still not knowing how she got in here but i didn't care. " omygod. sammie." i held her head and brought her to my bed.

i went and got a first aid kit. and a wash cloth. she looked pale so i ran and told my mom and dad. they said okay and started to get dressed i went back to the room. she had sat up and ran over. "babe. take it easy." she smiled lightly " i like it when u call me babe." i shook my head and giggled at her cuteness.

i grabbed the washcloth and wiped her head lightly she hissed at the water. i dabbed her gently seeing more scratches on her face.

her arms had a hand looking grip marks. i frowned and was angared at whoever had done this to dad shuffled into the room and his eyes widened.

"there's blood on your bed chels. " i look over where sam's head was. sure enough i saw it. i looked at her and she was still smiling and grabbed my hand again and whispered "i'm gonna pass out again." right as she finished she fell back down.

i screamed "oh no sammy. dad we need to go to the hospital." he nodded and walked over picking sam up in his arms.

she looked really pale now. i was so scared. i got mom and said we're going to the er. she nodded grabbing her coat and i got one for me and an extra for sammie.

we got in the car and i sat in the back her head in my lap. i was petting her head lightly saying "it's going to be okay. you're gonna be okay." tears streaming down. my face. as we pulled into the hospital......

----sammie's pov----

my dad began his beating on me it hurt so bad. he smacked my head and i flew to the ground blood dripping down. my head bounced off the corner of the coffee table.

everything went black. when i woke up he was gone as his car. all that was left was the destruction he caused including my phone smashed to pieces.

i got up and only knew one place to go. i opened the door without a jacket. and shuffled the two miles to chelsea's house my head was pounding. everything hurt so bad.

i saw her porch light and hit the front door my head against it. and stayed there the coolness on my forehead. i tried at the door knob and to my astonishment it was unlocked.

i pushed it open slightly silently shutting it behind me. i crawled up the stairs. my head getting dizzier each step i could take.

i got up to her room and knocked lightly on her door. she waited so long. till the bearings clicked and it opened. she was surprised as i stumbled in and said " i don't feel good." and i blacked out.

next thing i knew i woke up and sat there when chelsea came in with a washcloth and first aid kit and sat down next to me putting her hand on my back "babe. take it easy." i wasn't fully conscious but i said " i like it when u call me babe." and i smiled dumbly.

she just shook her head and i was like " i'm gonna pass out" and everything went black again.

when i awake i'm in a white room. i can hear the beeping of machines as i look around. then i feel something in my hand i look down and see chelsea asleep her hand in mine. i squeeze it and she wakes up.

"hey" i say lightly to her. "hey. finally your awake i missed you." she looked at me with tears forming in her eyes. "it's okay." she smiles giving my hand. "i never let go." i smile thanking her for everything.

the doctor bursts in " oh. you're awake." he starts to examine me with a flashlight. " you had a pretty good concussion. you remember what happened." i shook my head no. even thouh i did. my dad abused me. he is so evil but he's the only dad i've got.

i look over to chelsea and give her a light smile. " what day is it?" she grabs her phone monday afternoon. wow ive been asleep for two days. "wow" was all i said. she giggled

then the doctor said " yeah. she never left and constantly asked what was going on every time i came in." she looked at me and smiled. i gave her a pouty face "aww love." she smiled and the doctor just backed out of the room. leaving us.

chels jumped up in the bed with me. her arm around my waist. i felt so much better she was here. i could here her lightly snoring. i giggled at it. she must be tired.

as i was about to doze the door opens but it's not a doctor or nurse. they were in a suit and had a visitor tag. i shushed them and motioned them in.

" um yes what do u want." i said lightly so she could sleep she shifted holding me tighter.

i smiled down at her then looked up.

"Well i have a few questions, i'm with the police." he spoke quietly.

i nodded okay and added " sure just whisper i don't want her waking up she gets grumpy if someone wakes her."

he laughs lightly as do i. " okay. what do you remember from last night?" he asks in a low tone.

"Well i came home and my dad was home. he was drunk. really drunk."

The police dude nodded scribbling in his notes. "Alright well, was he ever violent towards you?"

i knew i had to tell the truth but i didn't want him in a lot of trouble but i knew for this pain to stop i had to tell someone." yeah. he was." i nodded.

"Did he hurt you at all last night?" he asked looking at me saddened.

Tears started to pool in my eyes I, just nodded my head.

"Okay, well i want you to get some rest and we can talk later without sleeping beauty." he said pointing his pen at chels.

i giggled, " sure thing" and gave him a weak smile. he left me alone with her and i snuggled down drifting back to sleep.  

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