Chapter 21

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    ~~~~~ Sam's pov ~~~~~~

I woke up determined to find a way back to where i am supposed to be, not here i don't know if i can even stand it. i toss and turn on this new bed never getting quite comfortable.

my Mother barges into the room, not even knocking. she comes over and sits on the bed. trying her hardest to act like a normal mother. she brings her hand up to put my hair behind my ear but stops mid way and just drops her hand.

i now just note her very dressed up for business attire. she clears her throat " so, i know that you just got here. but i have some business to attend and i will be gone for a few days."

i just shrugged, so she continued " um. i left some money in an envelope on the fridge. spend whatever you want for food. will you be okay by yourself?" she asks.

i nod " sure." i say not really looking at her.

" okay. good. i will call when i land. " she says and stands up fixing her skirt.

she looks like she wants to bend down and kiss my forehead. i can tell that is what she used to do all the time when i was young. she just turned and left quickly.

After i heard the door shut did i get up and go out into the living room. it looked as though not a lot of living has been happening in here.

i sit down on the cream couch and turn the TV on. i find some cartoons to  watch. i sit there for five minutes before getting up and getting my phone dialing Chelsea's number.

" I've been waiting for you to call." she says.

" well she is gone already on business. or whatever she does." i says.

" already. wow well i wish i was there to keep you company." she says.

" don't even bring up you being here. it'll make me cry." i say trying to actually not start crying.

" awe love. i don't want you to cry." she said with a sweetness to her voice.

" as long as i can hear your - " i was cut off by a knocking at my door.

" Hey Chels. i'll call you back someones at the door." i said.

" okay love you." she said.

" love you too." i said and hung up walking to the door.

i opened it to see a teenage girl with her back turned to the door.

i cleared my throat to get her attention. she turned and smiled at me. " hi there. my name is Jesse. " she stuck out her hand and i looked down at it then shook it slowly.

" oh sorry. you must be so confused. i'm one of your mom's coworkers daughter and she said she would be out of town for a few days as with my own mom, so she said i could stay here. so we won't be by ourselves." she spits all that out so fast.

i looked at her and notice bags by her feet. i shrug my Mother is a loon.

" um okay. well come in then. oh and my name is Sam." i say and pick up her bags. and bring them in, she shut the door behind her.

" wow. this is a lot of white." she says looking around.

" yeah well it wasn't my decision. i would've had colors everywhere. " i said.

she giggled softly. i don't know why. we find an guest room to put her stuff in. which is a lot more then a few days worth of stuff. my guess is "a few days" is code for see you in two months.

i also noticed the bulging envelope held barely on the fridge. with words scribbled over the front. hope this is enough.

i look over at my house mate for the next while and shrug at her. she is a year older so 16 and half by what she says. she has dirty blond hair with natural highlights and golden hazel eyes.

" so tell me about yourself." she says sitting down across from me at the breakfast nook. as i count out all the money.

" not much to tell. i was taken from my home, put here with someone who hasn't been in my life for years. then just leaves. so yeah." i say not even looking up.

" whoa... that still says nothing about you, like what's your favorite color? or like are you dating anyone? you know like that." she says.

i finish the counting and let me tell you there are a lot of 0's if you know what i mean.

i finally look up at her and she smiles. " okay well my favorite color is teal. and yes i'm dating someone."

" woo. Details. what's his name? " she asks getting overly girly about it.

"whoa okay haha and Her name is Chelsea and she is absolutely beautiful." i say started to get sad again.

" oh. you like girls." is all she says.

" oh no. don't tell me you are one of those people that's gonna hate me just because of who i love." i say fearing the worse.

she just looks me up and down. she looks at me with a serious face. i start getting more scared.

she then busts up. " i'm just playing you. i as well like the females..." she laughs and pushes my shoulder.

i laughed awkwardly. " huh well. that's good then. are you seeing anyone? " i ask.

" nope. i am very single sadly. more into those flings ya know nothing tied down or anything." she says honestly.

she is so open it's kind of bizarre. she stands up and digs in her purse and pulls out keys.

"lets go shopping there is absolutely no food here." she says jingling her keys as if it will lure me.

"okay. fine." i say and grab my jacket and slip my shoes on, and we are off.

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