Another Fight

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Link went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Link?" I asked, "what's wrong? Were things alright with Christy?" He shrugged and closed the fridge. He glanced at me briefly and looked away.

"I'm just really tired." He said and put his hands on the counter and dropped his head. I sighed in relief that nothing was really wrong and wrapped my arms around him. I put my head on his back and breathed in his scent. He moved a little and I let go. He turned around and kissed my forehead. He put his hands on my cheeks and my bangs fell in my face. He let out a breathy laugh and brushed it out of the way and kissed my lips passionately.

"Link." I said into the kiss, "Link, stop." He stopped kissing me and I said "I need to tell you something." He nodded and smiled. "Jack called me while you were with Christy." The happiness faded slowly from his face and turned to anger.

"What?" He said angrily, "what did he want? What did he say? I'll kill him. I swear, if he hurts my girl then-" I cut him off.

"Wait. When your ex-wife reached out to you to make amends, I told you to do it, but when my ex-husband reaches out to talk to me you threaten to kill him?" I said and backed out of Link's arms. "How is that fair? Don't you want things to be okay between me and someone I care about?"

"What? What do you mean someone you care about?" He said getting louder and adding air quotes around someone you care about, "and why is it that you don't care when I go to meet with my ex? What if we hooked up?"

"I know you didn't hook up!" I yelled with air quotes around hook up, "and yeah! I care about Jack. He was my first kiss! The first real relationship I ever had! Don't you care about the first girl you ever kissed?"

"No, I don't care about that girl because she isn't you! How would you know if Christy and I hooked up? Oh wait! You wouldn't!" He was screaming at me now.

I quieted down a bit, "I guess I wouldn't know if you hooked up with her, but I trust you enough to know you wouldn't do that." I looked up at him.

"Stop making this about me and Christy! This is about you and Jack!" He yelled.

"There's nothing to discuss about Jack and myself! He called and I told him I'd meet him for lunch next week because he wants to talk and he flew all the way here to see me." I said as calmly as possible.

"What?!? You're going to lunch with a guy who tried to rape you?!? At least Christy didn't try and make me have sex with her! She's also not a drunken ass hole like Jack! That's why I can see Christy and you can't see Jack. Because he's an alcoholic!"

"He didn't rape me." I said quietly.

"What do you mean he didn't rape you?!? You told me he tried to make you have sex with him because he was drunk! Look me in the eye and tell me he didn't try and rape you!"

I looked up at Link's angry face as he pushed up his glasses. "He didn't."

"Didn't what? Tell me exactly what he didn't do, Jaden." He said angrily.

"He didn't try to!" I screamed.

"You can't say it because you know it's true!!!" He said loudly and I slapped him. He looked at me with widened eyes. I covered my mouth and a tear rolled down my face.

I turned out of the kitchen and went to the living room. I grabbed my phone from the end table by the couch and went out the door. I dialed Lizzie's number.

"Hello?" She said happily.

"Liz?" I sniffled and wiped away a tear "can I come over?" I got into the car. "Link and I had a fight."

"Absolutely. Do you need a ride? I can come get you." I sniffled again.

"No. I have my car. I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you." I said and hung up. I reached for the ignition and the keys were missing. "God damn it." I said and put my head down on the steering wheel. I got out and went back to the house. I opened the door and grabbed my keys from the key rack and saw Link standing in the kitchen staring at the wall.

I left and arrived at Lizzie's in a few minutes. I knocked on the door and she opened it practically immediately. She wrapped her arms around me and said "are you ok? Did he hurt you?" She pulled me into the apartment and I started crying into her shoulder as soon as the door was closed.

"I hit Link." I said between sobs, "he said I couldn't say it because it wasn't true and I slapped him across the cheek!" I said angry at myself, "I hit my fiance." I said quietly and put my head back into Lizzie's shoulder and kept crying.

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