Chapter Twenty~I'm Here For You

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Anne Marie

I ran through the corridors of the hospital with tears streaming down my face. The tears blurred my vision. A couple of months with them left me so attached. Attached to not only Derrick but Amber and his mother. Those three people made me feel like I still had my family in a sense. Yes I had Tazz, G, and August but they all had their own things going on. August with his not knowing how to keep his tongue in his mouth. Gia and Tazz's relationship, they barely had time for me.

I was neglecting my friendship with Derrick, I knew he had a crush on me but I didn't think of him at the time I was so worried about me and August that I didn't see what was in front of me. Now that Amber's gone, Derrick's going to need all my attention, because I wouldn't want him to doing anything that he might regret.

I entered the room number that Derrick had texted to me and he was sitting by the window with his head in his hands as he was hunched over. His shoulders shook while tears hit the floor. My heart broke into a million pieces witnessing this. I walked in more and saw that precious face. She laid there motionless.... Cold. I instantly fell sick. My stomach turned and my vision blurred even more.

"De-Derrick," I called out softly as I cleared my throat. His head lifted and he rubbed the tears from under his eyes. I could tell that he had been crying for hours. "What happened." I asked sitting down next to him. I placed my hand overs his as it's rested over his knee.

"I-I don't know. She-she was fine last night. Then all of a sudden she came down with this terrible fever. The doctor said she was having Febrile Convulsions." He started to cry again, so I started to rub his back.

"You wanna know what my momma always told me." I asked.


"When my brother and Dad died, I cried every night. I didn't have my lil playmate anymore and I didn't have my paw paw, but she always told me that God would never take someone out of your life for no reason. Amber's in heaven now smiling down on her daddy, she wouldn't want to see you crying or sad. She would want you to think of her and all the smiles she brought to your handsome face. So don't be sad, be happy that she'll be forever with you in spirit." I smiled. He looked at me, in his eye I could see the love he had for me. But I realized that I didn't see him in that way. I know I'm going to have to tell him that I just want to be friends but right now is just not the right time.


When I arrived back home there was a letter taped to my front door. I took it down and read it as I walked through the the door.

"My eyes are always watching you. J" I read aloud while placing my bag on the hook.

I scrunched my eye brows together. What the fuck could that mean. I'm so sick of these stupid ass letters, I promise.

As I walked through me and Gia's Apartment I saw clothes scattered everywhere and heard moaning coming from the back room.

That was another thing I was getting tired of. They're always fucking in MY house. This shit is really blowing me.
I just had to go through the most terrible ordeal, I keep getting these dumb ass letters, I'm sick of August blowing me up every moment of everyday, and every damn time I come home wanting some peace these two fucking like some rabbits. Like no one else lives in this bitch.

Well today enough is enough. I can't take it no more.

I went up to Gia's door, pounding on it like its the thing that's ruining my life.

"Hey-" I held up my hand at Tazz, cutting him off in the process.

"You and Gia are going to have to find another place to shack up because I'm done coming home to a fucking mess and hearing moaning every damn day. You got money so take her with you aight. Stop using my house as a fuck shack. Now please leave." I yelled. Tears were brewing in my eyes. It hurt my feelings to say those things but they had to be said, I think.

"Ann-" Gia started to speak but I cut her off as well, walking to my room.

I looked at them one more time. "Just please leave me alone." I said closing my door and locking it.

I was tired. I just wanted to get in the tub and soak my pains away.

I guess that's what my night is going to consist of...






The Next Day


I gotta get my life right. If I don't I may not ever get Annie back. I know what your probably thinkin'. I didn't mean to hurt her tha way that I did yesterday. My been gone. My label acting funny with a nigga and my friends that I thought were friends is turning on me. And to put the icing on the cake my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She told me a couple of days before that shit happened with Nic.

I know that was some crazy shit but it happened. If I could take it all back I would.

I love Annie. A lot. And ain't nothing gone stop me from turning my life around and getting my girl back.

Wish me luck....


I know it's been a while y'all but here's another update. Now there are a lot of reads on this book and that make me happy.

Thought its wouldn't be any but the reads only make me want to strive more for you guys. But I also need HELP FROM YOU!

One: I need some VOTES! Please.....

Two: SHARES Y'ALL .... I need your friends reading. Your cousins.. Hell your moms and pops if they like to read too.

And Lastly: COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!! If o don't get comments I'm not going to know if I'm doing a good job or not, I need that so I can make the read more enjoyable for you.

But if I don't then I'll be forced to think none of my books are no good then I'll have to delete them and just read other people books.

Thanks for reading again......

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