My lil angel|Cas x reader

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Imagine Cas breaking his ankle and having to sleep in your room and confesses his love for you.
You heard a crash, then a loud bang. You looked at the time on your clock and it read 1:36 am. Damnit. You cursed under your breath and grabbed your gun that you kept under your pillow. completely forgetting that you were in your bra and underwear, you ran out of you room to be led to the living room where Cas was sitting on the floor looking down at his ankle.
"(Yn)? Please help me, I think I have broken my ankle.
You set you gun down and started walking towards Cas. "Stop!"
What? You asked?? "Don't you want to get some clothes on first?
None of the boys have ever seen you in just your bra and underwear before. Shut up and come with me.
You brought him to your room and he sat down on your bed. You patched him up and by the time you looked at the clock it was 2:24.
"Hey (yn)?" Yes Cas? "Can I sleep in here tonight?" Of course Cas! What you did not expect was for him to take his shirt off.
Damn. "What (Yn?" Nothing!
Cas laid down and so did you. Unexpectedly he pulled you closer so you were resting your head on his muscular chest. Um cas? What are you doing? "I thought this is what couples did?" Well are we a couple? "Yn?" I loved you since well forever, will you be my girlfriend?"
Of course I will Cas. I've loved you for a long time too. Cas grew a big smile on his face and closed the gap between you to with a kiss.
I love you Cas. "I love you too my lil angel." And both of you fell into a peaceful sleep until morning when you heard, "I told you they'd get together Sammy!"
                      The end!
Hope you enjoyed!

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