Balthazar x soulmate reader

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This one is a long one lol. It was requested by Bmaster14

The story is based off of the Power Drill Massacre game.

WARNING: Light cursing


"y/n, get your ass down here!"

You sighed. Getting out of bed was very difficult for you. The Winchesters were coming over to see you father Bobby. They supposedly had a hunt and needed help with it. You quickly threw on some jeans and a plain black tee-shirt along with some combat boots. After you brushed your hair and put some makeup on you ran down the stairs. Only to come face to face with the Winchesters.

"Dam y/n, aren't you looking better then ever," Dean flirtatiously smiled, looking you up and down. If that wasn't bad enough he even threw in a wink. Thankfully your dad Bobby smacked him on the side of the head whilst Sam just stood there awkwardly.

"It's good to see you y/n," Sam stretched his hand out for you to shake with a small smile on his face.

"So what do you to idgits need help with this time?" Bobby made his way over to the fridge to grab a beer.

"Well," Sam started, "there has been several missing campers reported, dating all the way back to 1995. Around 12 people a year, skipping the following year, then starting back up the next. You see, there's a pattern here. Police have checked out the land around the area, coming up with nothing. But get this, there is always a smell of sulfur at the camp sights." Sam went back to researching on his laptop.

"Were thinking a demon, and a strong one to. If it's been able to hide under our noses all this time it has to have a good hiding spot." Dean commented before going back to checking you out from the sides of his eyes.

"Huh. Check this out guys." Sam turned his laptop to face the rest of you. "There is an abandoned factory not to far out from the area where the campers went missing. Lots of kids graffitied the place. Stuff like 'keep out', and 'don't enter the sugar tunnel'."

"What the hell is a sugar tunnel?" You asked Sam.

"I have no idea, but I think that's the place we should check out first."

Bobby sighed, finishing his beer. "Alright y/n, go get the weapons ready. We'll meet dumb and dumber at the car."


__________________________________TIME SKIP_____________________________________

By the time you pulled up to the abandoned factory, it was already nightfall. After you were all parked, you grabbed your weapons out of the trunk.

"Ok," Dean started. "Looks like there's only one entrance up those stairs there."

You looked up and saw someone standing there. "Hey! You there!"

You bolted after the man. Sam, Dean, and Bobby were right behind you. You got into the building first but the door slammed shut behind you. Trapping you inside with everyone else on the outside.

"Y/n!" You could barely hear the hunters outside calling your name and pounding on the thick metal door. All that mattered was the demon. As you walked further into the building you started to notice cold spots. Dozens of ghosts appeared in front of you, yet none of them moved. They just stood there and watched you. A little ghost girl walked up to you holding out her hand as if she was trying to ask you to follow her. As soon as you touched her hand you blacked out. You were possessed.

When you woke up you were tied up in a chair with a man sitting across from you. His eyes flashed black.

"You know, you really shouldn't have come here y/n Singer." The demon stood up and walked around you in circles. Like a lion staking its prey.

"How do you know who I am?" You started to struggle against the thick ropes holding you in place.

"Oh y/n, every demon knows who you are. You're one of hells most wanted. "

You were quick to notice all of your weapons on the ground next to you. Your eyes widened further as you spotted all the bodies of the victims piled up high. The smell was horrific.

"What the hell did you do to these people!?"

The demon ignored you as he pulled up a silver tray with various sharp objects on it.

"Oh were going to have some fun." The demon chuckled darkly.


"God dammit! She's probably getting herself hut right now."

"Don't worry Bobby. Y/n can take care of herself. We'll find a way in" Sam tried to convince him.

He wasn't buying it. "If she dies it's your fault boy."

"Got it!" Dean picked the lock on the door and ran inside after y/n. Bobby and Sam following behind him.


After hours or strenuous torture, you couldn't move and you certainly couldn't feel anything. The demon left for a while so you tried praying to every angel you could think of but nothing worked. You were in big trouble. Praying to Castiel didn't work so his angel radio must have been off. Next thing you know you were being stabbed in the stomach. Blood filled your mouth as the demon left you to bleed out.

You were hoping that the guys had found a way in. The only problem is that you had know idea where you were. Then you remembered Castiel's friend: Balthazar. It was worth a shot since you had nothing left.

"Balthazar, I don't know if you can hear me," your voice came out as a whisper. "I need you help. I'm dying."

Apparently, the demon heard you and came back for more. "Calling for help y/n? No one is coming for you."

Suddenly the demon's body dropped to the ground with a flash of yellow and gold.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that." Balthazar stepped over the dead body and walked towards you.

"Balth," you breathed out.

"shh, don't speak. You've lost a lot of blood."

He pressed two fingers to your forehead and warmth spread throughout your body. Healing all the damage the demon had done. The ropes binding your wrists and ankles disappeared. At that moment, the Winchesters and your father ran into the dark room and found you in the arms of an angel.

"Get away from my daughter!" Bobby came charging at the angel with a knife. Only for it to be useless.

"I'll have you know your daughter prayed to me to save her because you couldn't do a good enough job of looking after her."

"Y/n, is that true?" Bobby looked to you for an answer.

"Yes, dad. Castiel wasn't listing." As if on cue, Cass popped up next to Dean.

"I apologize that I was not there for you y/n. Heaven would not let me leave."

"It's alright Castiel. Balthazar was there for me." You turned to your savior, and he smiled lightly at you.

"I'm glad I could be of your assistance." You blushed as your eyes darted down at the ground. "Well-" you started, "how can I ever repay you?"

"I believe a kiss is in order." Before anyone could protest, you pulled him towards you from his too expensive shirt until your lips connected. All of the sudden a bright white light surrounded the two of you. Once you two were separated, his eyes glowed blue, as did yours.

Castiel franticly stepped in between you and Balthazar. "This is not possible."

"What isn't? What just happened?" Bobby seemed to be going crazy. In all of his hunting life he had never seen what he just witnessed.

"Their soulmates."



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