SamandrielXreader/Marry Me?/Part 1

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You and Samandriel have been together for about 4 and a half years now.

The past week or so you noticed Samandriel had been acting pretty odd. (a/n *wink *wink)

You decided to get to the bottom of what was happening. you had planned dinner reservations for a fancy restaurant. you had 2 and a half hours to get ready. You told Sam to get Samandriel ready since Sam knows fancy places have a dress code.

Mean while, you were getting ready. You curled your hair and put it to one side. You put in some dangly earrings. Then you did your makeup. medium foundation, a thin line of black liquid eyeliner, and a velvety matt red lipstick.

Next you slipped into a floor length dress that was a sparkly dark red with a black belt in the middle. Then you put on your shiny black heels. after you were done you looked in the mirror. saying you looked hot would be an understatement. you looked SEXY AS FUCK! Time to show Samandriel! Sam texted you saying they were all waiting down stairs. you peered over the railing and sure enough Samandriel was down there looking handsome as ever. you put your hand on the railing to keep your balance as you slowly walked down the stairs. All there mouths hung open as you approached them. You walked up to Samandriel.

"Shall we?" You asked. 

Samandriel smiled.

"We shall.

And with that said, Dean drove you to your fancy restaurant.

------------To be continued-----------

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