Jack x Reader

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ok, I just started season 13 and Jack is my cinnamon roll. Like I can't with him. He's just so dam cute I actually want to die.

WARNING:  Slight spoilers for season 13


Sam and Dean were out on a hunt. It was just supposed to be a simple salt and burn. But apparently there were some complications so they wouldn't be back for a day or two.  You woke up suddenly to a soft knock on your door. Being the cautious person you were, you quickly gabbed you gun from under your pillow . Turning the safety off you opened to door. Only to reveal a sad looking Jack. You set your gun down on you dresser. 

"Hey jack, what's wrong?"  You put a hand up to his face. He looked up at you for a moment and paused, only to break down into tears seconds later. He fell forward on to you as he cried over your shoulder. After a moment of confusion from you, you pulled away. 

"What happened Jack? Are you ok? Are you Hurt?" Concern filled your voice as you looked him in the eyes.  Yet again, he said nothing. Smiling at him softly you spoke. "Let's go sit down and we will talk this out, ok?" He nodded. 

After a while of sitting on your bed and holding Jack, his crying had reduced to the occasional sniffle. "Y-Y/n?" Jacks eyes met yours. You could see the hurt in them. Just the thought of someone hurting Jack made you sick. 

"What do you need Jack? I'm right here."

"He said he'd kill me. Dean said he would kill me because I-I'm evil and a monster."

Your heart shattered at his words. How could Dean do this? 

"Hey, Jack look at me," he pulled his head up to focus all of his attention on you.  "You are not evil Jack.  You are so good,  and you have so much to live for. Don't let Dean tell you otherwise."

"But then why would he say those things? " Jack looked like he was about to break down again. And you were not about to let that happen. 

"Jack, he's hurting real bad, he already lost his mother, Cass, and so many others. Now he's afraid Sam will be taken from him too. But none of  this is you fault. You didn't mean to create a rip in reality. You made a mistake, but that's ok, we all make mistakes. it's what makes us human. It makes you human. You're going to be just fine Jack. Like your mother said, you are going to be amazing."

Jack smiled at the thought of his mother. "I miss her." 

"I know you do, but she's in Heaven now, she's at peace. And I bet you more then anything that she is so proud of you Jack. How could she not be."

"Thank you [y/n]. Can I sleep in here tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"Sure Jack." You both crawled under the sheets and in less then a minuet he had already pulled you close to his chest. You probably looked as red as a tomato. Obviously Jack was not phased by this at all. Or at least you thought.


I love having her so close to me. Every time I am around her my heart feels like it's going to burst through my chest. She makes me so happy. She makes me want to be good. It's a fact. I'm in love. 


Oof. I have been completely out of ideas but I'm going to start writing more.  If you have any ideas just message me. Until next time! 

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