Dating Michael would include...

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1. He is so. dam. protective. When ever you two go out he has to have an arm wrapped around you to let everyone know your his.

2. He constantly tells you how gorgeous you are.

3. You always had trouble sleeping until you met Michael. He wrapped his wings around you when you sleep and you've never slept better.

4. He is the most noble man - angel, you have ever met.

5. Secrets are not a thing because he can always tell when you're lying.

6. Michael takes such great care of you. As strong as he is you have him wrapped around your finger.

7. He knows you better then you know your self, so he knows exactly what to do to make you happy.

8. Although he never sleeps he still lays down with you.

9. You tell him he doesn't have to but he protests and says "Your even more stunning when you are dreaming, and when a small smile graces you beautiful lips." 

10. You never worried about getting hurt because with him your near untouchable. 

11. You two are so faithful to each other others would say you were soulmates. 

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