You lil devil you|lucifer x reader

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Just another imagine! Comments and requests are welcome!
Imagine getting out of hell with lucifer in your head and in the middle of the night he wraps his arm around you.
It was the middle of the night. You sam and dean had just gotten back from hunting a vamp. You lost a lot of blood. So you were fast asleep, that is until you felt the bed dip down. Next you felt someone wrapping there arm around you.
You then felt someone lightly stroking your hair. And kissing you cheek. You shifted positions so now you were laying on your back but you kept you eyes shut. Sam, you lightly whispered with a smile on your face. "Guess again sweetheart." Lucifer! You whispe-yelled. You practically fell out of bed but he caught you. "You ok?"
Why would you care? "Because you just talked to me so it's going to be much harder to get rid of me.
Plus I'm in love with you."
Damnit, wait, what? Your in love with me? Why would the devil be in love with me? "(Yn)? Every time I'm around you, you make my heart beat faster then it's ever beaten. I'm in love you (yn)." I love you too lucifer. "Really?" Yeah, I love you you lil devil you. You both leaned in for a kiss. It was sweet and everything you could have hoped for. You laid back down and cuddled next to lucifer. Then it hit you. You were in bed with the devil. The fricken devil. Then you remembered that all you were wearing was your bra and underwear.
Hope u all enjoyed!!!

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