Teen Dean x teen reader

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Hello, so the other day i realized there was no Dean x reader!!! Now there is! This imagine just popped into my head and I'm glad it did, cuz i had no idea what to do! Anyway, enough of my fronkalonking. *cough* um a little vitamin D? Haha if u know what I mean! *wink wink*
Imagine staying at a boys home, and a bunch of them were trashing your mcr shrine, so you teach them a lesson.
You were currently outside reading your (fb) on fandoms. Today was a very nice day. It was the perfect temperature of warm, with a light breeze going over the tall grass.
You lost track of time. You finished your book and some mcr sketches and you headed inside to add little pieces of happiness to your shrine.
You're shrine consistent of mcr, fob, top, and p!atd. Your entire room was covered in posters. They were everywhere, on all the walls, even the ceiling, and even on the floor. There was not one spot that didn't have a poster.
As you walked in the old house it was quite, to quite. As you neared your bedroom, the laughs from the boys became louder and louder, then you came to the conclusion, that the boys were in your room. You silently went up to the semi closed door and peeked inside.  You saw the boys playing with some CDs and scratching them up, but then, you saw the worst thing, your favorite mcr poster, was ripped. Out of all the posters in your room it had to be your favorite one.
You quickly decided that you would teach the boys a lesson. And not some stern talking to, but one that consists of a pocket knife, a chair and rope. You busted open the door with your foot and everyone looked to see you, not the normal you, one that had a terrifying smile plastered across your angry face. You slowly walked further into the room, enough to shut the door and lock it.
"H-hey, (yn)! W-w-what's up?"
Even the oldest boy Dean looked terrified.
You ripped my favorite poster, do you know what happened to Danny when that happened?
"W-who's Danny?"
Exactly! You started cornering all of the boys up into a corner.
Time skip brought to you by the wibbly wobbly timey whimy tardis.
*forgive me if I spelled that wrong it's the middle of the night*

All the boys were tide up with rope 
And covered in blood. You used you pocket knife to cut. Tiny cuts on there face, arms, and neck.
Now! Will any of you go into my room again?
All of them shook there heads.
You let them all go and it was a stampede to get out of your room. Well everyone except one.
"That was awesome!"
Um dean?
aren't you going to leave?
Right after i do this.
You looked confused until Dean kissed you. You quickly responded by putting your arms around his neck. Soon after you broke away from the kiss.
"Until next time."
He walked out of your room, leaving you with your thoughts.
Ok so I hope that didn't suck. It's the middle of the night and I'm really tired, but I needed to finish this chapter! Please leave requests!
Comments are welcome too!

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